I wanted to share a few of my Valentine pictures with you from last night. My friend Stevie took me out to eat at a sweet little restaurant in Wesson,Ms. That is about 40 minutes from my house. It was so beautiful. I took a lot of pictures! LOL I would've taken more but people started looking at me funny, so I stopped. LOL
The name of it is 'Porches'. It is in a very old house and this is a picture of the side porch that they had enclosed for dining. To the left is a pretty little courtyard.

I'm glad that we decided to go. We almost didn't. Stevie had some bad news that morning about a friend of his. I told him to cancel the reservations but he still wanted to go. His friend had passed away in a car accident the night before. Please everyone pray for Stevie as he grieves for his friend. I only met the man one time but had talked to him several times on the phone. He was a very sweet and giving man. A couple of nights before my son left, he and his wife took me, Stevie, Cole, and Garrett out to eat. His wife was in the wreck with him and she didn't get hurt. Their son had just gotten out of the hospital a couple of weeks ago. He had to have heart surgery and he is only 26 years old. Please pray for his wife Anita. She needs all of our prayers. 

This is the courtyard. It was so much prettier in person.

Well...I have a new favorite flower. We call them 'old folk's flowers'. I just found out last week when I took the 'What kind of flower are you' quiz, that I am a daffodil. I was shocked to see that they had daffodils on the tables. It made me smile.

This was a picture that someone had painted of 'Porches'. It was hanging above our table.

I even took pictures of the menu!! Stevie had prime rib and I had a shrimp pasta dish that was so delicious! I'm starting my diet today...so I pigged out last night!

Sweet Stevie has been such a good friend to me. 

I know that we won't ever lose the special feelings that we have for one another.

This was the closed in porch. Look at that mosaic water fountain on the wall. I loved it. It has roses on it.

I loved this porch swing also. Click on the picture to make it larger and you can see all of the detail of the painted roses on it. I want one of these for my little cottage.

Lee Laurie,
The place looks beautiful....love the place. I told Deanna that I would visit you one day. Deena is a special friend to have...She is sooo sweet. I'm glad you both are gonna meet in person one day. Nice to meet you....You and Stevie...looks happy! Happy Belated Valentine Day! My prayers will be with Stevie friend family and also Stevie as well. My prayers are with you... that the Lord will give you strenght to adjust with your Son leaving. I will be praying for your Son also...We all have to let them go....When my daughter got married...it was the so hard to come home and she was not coming home ...that she had her new life...she and her husband is very happy. I always say my favorite scripture.."I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthen me" Phil. 4:13 You have a wonderful evening and tomorrow....and this week. Smiles and Hugs
Lee Laurie,
It looks wonderful! Stevie is a good guy, isn't he? We got to spend Valentine's at the basketball court, but went out last night.
What a magical place. Y'all look so nice together! It seems like such a special place to sit and talk and maybe hold hands...a little footsie too!
I hope that you and Stevie are doing well what with the loss you just suffered. I talked to Stevie yesterday and he seemed to be handling it well. He was picking daff's.
Marshall and I are heading out to the grocery store so I'd better log off before I get my finger chopped off by the lid of my laptop!
I'll email you when I get back.
Hello Lee Laurie,
When people ask me how I'm doing I tell them "one day at a time". That's all I can say right now...tell your friend Stevie that's how to take it.
Take care, Iris
Thank you for a wonderful night, Lee. It allowed me to escape all my troubles for a little bit. It was great to see the smile on your face, hear you laughing and hear the excitement in your voice. We will go again. You were happy and you deserve to be happy....we all do. Thank you for everything.
Dear Lee Laurie,
What a lovely place ~ I am glad you had a nice time.
I am sorry to hear about Stevies' friend ~ I will keep him and his friend's family in my prayers.
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