Me and Cole. We followed him through Jackson because 'Mama' (that's me) was afraid that he would get confused on the interstate in 'big' city traffic. He had not driven in a big city like that before. He did great. We stopped in Jackson to say our goodbyes. His mentor and our friend Stevie drove me. It was not a good day for me. My fibromyalga was in full swing and the pain was terrible. I didn't sleep a lot the night before.

Cole and Stevie. He has been a very good friend to Cole.
Letting go is hard to do. It's something that we all have to do. I was the same way with Christy. I'm thankful that I have my precious kids. I feel so thankful that God has allowed me to have them in my life.
I have one that went to community college for two years. Now and he and his sister who is a senior in HS will be heading to different state universities this fall. I will miss them but understand their need to break away. Good luck to your son and I hope he stays safe!
Oh darn...I'm all teary eyed!
I can't even comment because I'm thinking of how you must have felt.
It's hard when our kids move away. My daughter only moved an hour away as she graduated from UC Davis last June and never came back home. Got engaged instead! LOL Now she is flying for her job all over the US and I NEVER see her much anymore. Thank goodness for email......
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