Tonight I am sitting in bed trying to catch up on all of my sweet blogging friends. I haven't felt good at all today. The weather is getting bad and my body is hurting. My skin burns all over and my arms and legs hurt really bad too. I found this photo in my mom's box of pictures a few days ago. My step-dad took it years ago for my mom. The roses were growing along side her fence. They were so pretty and the barbed wire behind them made such a good picture. It's kind of like how I'm feeling tonight. Me ...the southern rose and the barbed wire causing me pain. I don't mean to complain on my blog but sometimes it makes me feel better to let it out. I wish the pain would just give me a break sometimes. I will not let it get the best of me though! I know that there are so many people out there with more serious ailments than mine and I feel for them. Tomorrow will be a better day! I think that I will soak in a bathtub of hot water and listen to my playlist and relax. The song that I am playing now gives me comfort. The words are beautiful to me.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Barbed wire and roses...
Posted by A Southern Rose at 4:44 PM 9 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A gift for my sister...
These pictures were taken in Louisiana at my sister's a few nights ago. We had so much fun together. We hadn't laughed that much in a while!

Posted by A Southern Rose at 10:27 AM 5 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
Beautiful old house
Look at this beautiful house that is for sale in my hometown! It is on the same block as my dad's house. The backyards almost connect with each other. This house was built in 1900. It has 6 bedrooms and 2 parlors. A huge kitchen and a butler's pantry. A dining room and a sun porch. Several bathrooms.

Posted by A Southern Rose at 9:23 AM 5 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
Our 'fun' day together
This is my little sister, Melinda. We had such a great time together yesterday. We went out to eat at Brady's in Hammond, La and we went shopping and caught up on each other's lives. It had been so long since we had done this. I wanted to take this picture of her in front of this neat truck that was parked outside of the restaurant. I thought it was so cool and it even matched her purse! She was afraid that the owner of the truck was gonna come out and say something to us about taking a picture in front of it! I told her that if they didn't want their truck to be noticed and admired, they should not have painted it to look like a Zebra!! Can you imagine driving around in that?

Posted by A Southern Rose at 7:00 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
me and my little sister
I've decided that I need to spend more time with the people in my life that mean the most to me. So many things have happened in the last few weeks that have really opened up my eyes. Life is more than just ...Work. Life is just too short to let it pass by so quickly without sharing it with your friends and family. My sister and I keep trying to get together and haven't been able to since Christmas! Here we are already in February! Tomorrow is my day off and I plan to go and visit her. If she can't get off work maybe we can at least go out to eat lunch together. We need to spend time together. I miss her. This picture was taken a few years ago at at tea-party at her church. Everyone was asked to bring a teacup and saucer that you could exchange with the other ladies. They numbered each cup and everyone picked a number out of a box and that was the teacup that you got and the prayer partner you would have for that year. Wasn't that a good idea?
Posted by A Southern Rose at 6:52 AM 9 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Memories of a Valentine Tea Party
Hello...everyone. I was going through some old photos and found these from a Valentine party that my cousin Angie had a few years ago. It really was more like a tea party. We had so much fun. This is the invitation that she made. Angie, me, and Aunt Jenny. (Angie's mom) There was an oval framed picture behind me on the wall. It makes my head look like I have a huge wig on! LOL

Posted by A Southern Rose at 10:10 AM 3 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Special Valentine's Day
I wanted to share a few of my Valentine pictures with you from last night. My friend Stevie took me out to eat at a sweet little restaurant in Wesson,Ms. That is about 40 minutes from my house. It was so beautiful. I took a lot of pictures! LOL I would've taken more but people started looking at me funny, so I stopped. LOL

Posted by A Southern Rose at 8:52 AM 6 comments