I want to share with you my bouquet that I made out of the flowers in my yard. I just mixed them all up and made a very colorful arrangement. It sits on my dresser like it always does so that when I wake up in the mornings I will see them. These smell so good! I love the scent of Gardenia's. Don't they look 'cottagy'?
I also wanted to share with you some good news! This is my booth at the Vendor's market. The lady that owns it decided to start having a contest every week on who could have the best looking booth. The prize is a $25.00 gift certificate to spend in the store. Well...I love competition...I always have. Guess what? She called me a few days ago and told me that my booth was the winner for this week! I was so excited! The first week of the contest and I won! Isn't that cool? 

I decided to do it in a tropical theme. I have been feeling really 'beachy' lately. I love summertime. I cleaned out some things out of my storage building and was able to come up with a lot of tropical things. Most of it, I had left over from when I use to have the tanning salon. The name of my shop was called"Tropical Tan".

It was fun decorating it and getting all of the stuff together to go in it. Stevie was a lot of help. He hung the burlap on the walls and put the bamboo at the bottom. I wrapped the little shelves with 'tropical fish' gift wrap and cut up an old dust ruffle to hang at the top. We also cut a piece of old indoor/outdoor carpet to put at the bottom to look like water. It really is a colorful booth. I cut out several pictures out of a Coastal Living magazine to put in the frame sitting on the floor.

What do y'all think? I was so excited when Stephanie called me! I told her that I already knew what I wanted to spend my certificate on. She has a pretty little rolling tea -cart in one of the vendor's booths. I told her that I really wanted it and she said "Well, it's yours!" I was so glad that it was still there!
It is made out of rattan and it is stained brown...that's OK because Mrs. Rebecca at A Gathering of Thoughts says that Zinnser primer will cover anything! I had to of course make another trip to Lowe's to get some! I will be priming and painting it soon! I will have do a post about it .

Hello Lee Laurie! It's wonderful to meet you and I'm so happy you'll be joining me for the Costume Party! I can't wait to see you there on the 17th. Congrats on having the winning booth for the week, it has a great summer fun feel and I love the burlap walls, that would be great in a house. Have a loveleigh Sunday!
Sares @ Loveleigh Treasures
Hi Lee, I love your flowers, and there is nothing as fragrant and cottagey as gardenias, I love them and Magnolias. I gotta a giggle out of your comment about us talking on the phone and your accent, because in all honesty my Mom used to say I had that Texas Southern Drawl and called me her little Texan because it was so thick and I was the only Texan in our family. ;) and I grew up in the Boondocks.
Congratulations on the win, and I see why, your booth looks so great. You and Stevie did a marvelous job, it does look so fresh and tropical and summery. I bet you had a lot of fun doing it. I can't wait to see your cart all dolled up. Enjoy your Sunday!!
Hugs ♥ Teresa
Lee Laurie ~ That Zinnser primer is superb. I tried it after Rebecca recommended it. Much better than the competition.
The tea cart I can already picture painted. You're going to have fun recreating this piece, I can hear it in your words. Dying to see it finished.
TTFN ~ Marydon
You go girl!!! I love it...Tropical Tan! You work too hard hon but you deserve many many awards!
Love you bunches,
Deanna :D
Zinnser ZiNNSER ZINNSER! I'm tellin' you the stuff is GREAT. You might have to put on a couple of coats but I can tell you straight up that if ZINNSER doesn't cover it NOTHING IS GOING TO!
Love the flowers...do you ALWAYS WIN STUFF?????? LOVE IT!
Sorry you didn't get the pics. I'm soooo bummed. ;(
Hi Lee Laurie,
What pretty flowers, and your booth is soo summery, and beachy too !! PERFECT, for this time of year..Don't you just LoVe it.. Congratulations on winning the money.. Can't wait to see what you paint up.. Fun.. Have a wonderful Monday.. hugs ~tea~xo
Hi Lee
firstly CONGRATULATIONS!!that booth looks really cool!
Congrats on your win! Your booth looks so tropical and inviting! I love it!
I like you r blog and The music!!!! CHEERS! michele
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