I wanted to show y'all my dining room chairs that I recovered last year. The fabric is beautiful and it matched the dishes that I had. I got lucky and found the fabric by accident one day at the linen outlet. I was so happy! It is even made by the same designer that made the dishes. (Raymond Waites.) Anyway I changed up my colors when I got this cottage so I decided to give them to my little sister. They look so good in her house. But now I have to cover my chairs again! I'm on the look out for some pretty 'shabby' fabric in maybe pink or green. I still haven't painted the bottom of the hutch. It is primed though. I was thinking that I could make her some place mats out of the fabric. Her dining room has an accent wall in that color red.

So sweet of you to hand down your pretties when you changed colors! I am leaving some of my red behind too, now, as I fall in love with pink and robin's egg blue. (I still love my red though!!)
Aren't you adorable to share your treasures ... & to know they will be taken care of with love. You are precious ... TTFN ~ Marydon
I hope you and Jason had a blast today. It definitely doesn't seem like he should be a year old. He was so cute and proud of himself yesterday, playing in the water fountain yesterday. He would turn around as if expecting for us to tell him....No. I hope you have a great day!
You're a sweetie for handing them down to your sister, they are absolutely gorgeous. Can't wait to see what you do now. I know you're having a blast spoiling that baby!! Have fun!
♥ Teresa
Sooo sweet of you to share with your sister, and don't you love knowing what you once loved goes to her.. Something special about sharing, and with a sister, even more so.. The chairs are beautiful too.. Good luck recovering your new chairs.. Can't wait to see what you come up with... Have a good evening... hugs ~tea~xo
Beautiful chairs and china plates! Very elegant and rich looking! Sooo incredibly sweet of you to pass them to your Sis. There's just something about keeping them in the family that's so incredibly special! Cant wait to see what new pink and green fabric you pick out. Have fun searcing! XO,Jenn
Thanks for visiting my blog. What a find .. fabric to match dishes. Your sister is a lucky girl! The chairs are beautiful.
I just love your blog! I glanced through looks like you had a great thrift shop day!!
I'll be back! Thanks so much for visiting and entering my giveaway! Good Luck!
My house was once done in lots of reds just like those on your chair. I loved it...but, as I have grown older I just like the softer stuff much better. Too bad I don't have three for four houses....I'd have each one done differently!
I love your chairs! My kitchen stools are covered in a fabric similiar to that design. I'm not yet ready to switch over to the shabby look in my kitchen. Also, it is so sweet of you to pass on to your sister the dishes. My sister thinks I'm too froufrou for her, but we do like to share.
Take care.
wow you were so lucky to have found the perfect fabric for your plates. It matches wonderfully. And your sister is lucky to have to give her all that stuff!
Im sure you have seen my pink chairs on my blog, well they sell fabric where I bought them. Check it out at thebellacottage.com.
You will find some beautiful fabric there. Well enjoy the baby:)
You are the sweetest sister ever!! I bet she is so excited cuz those are gorgeous!!!
I cant wait to see what you get for your beautiful cottage!!
Hey Lee, I thought I'd pop over and answer your question about Sares party, what I did, was I just typed in the kind of costume I wanted to find in the google search and it took me to a lot of different sites, I saved the picture to my computer, and I'm ready to Partay!!! LOL!!
♥ Teresa
Lucky sister you have there!!Hope you find some beautiful fabric for your chairs.Are you going to paint them too or leave as is. Either way I'm sure you'll do a great job can't wait to see them.
Hope you had fun with you're little grand baby. Can't wait til it's my turn.
you know how I feel about red:) LOL so, of course, I am breathless over your chairs!
it is wonderful that you are blessed to have a sister in your life with whom you can share your treasures of the heart!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for all the sweet comments. Love your blog and you are so thoughtful and caring to hand down your treasures.
LL my prayers have gone up and you are being hugged heavily my friend. Take care.
great chair in your dining room. it must be nice room. thanks for share. see you on my blog also.I'll wait your coming
Lucky Melinda! And you are just a darling to gift them to her. Hope you are having a fun-filled day with the grandbaby!
Love ya,
Deanna :D
Lee,I am so sorry about your brother . My heart is with you. If there is anything I can do just e-mail me.
I am so sad for you and your family. I have lost a brother and a sister. And it is very hard.
Sending you lots of love, Nita
What a sweet sister thing to do. I just adore my sisters...they are my best friends! And I would be lost without them.
By the way, you and your sis look soooooooo much alike. Beautiful girls!
I bet your sister loves the gift! Have fun recovering the new chairs! I'm in the process of doing the same thing! It's so much fun picking the fabric out and seeing the finished results! Be sure to post it when you're done!
Hi Lee,
Thank you for the sweet comments on the dress. Answering your question, it was really easy, I would have to say the skirt was way easier, and the Amy Butler patterns are a little pricier than the Simplicity, and other patterns, but her instructions are WAY WAY more easier to understand. The halter I made was an Amy Butler pattern and it was so incredibly easy!!! You should try your hand at it. I know you'd do a great job!!!
♥ Teresa
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