My friend Deanna from 'Timeless Things' is having a 2-day birthday bash celebrating her 46th birthday. She invited us to come join in the fun! The first day we are suppose to post 3 or 4 pictures of ourselves when we were babies and tell something about them. This first picture was taken in front of my granny's house when I was around a year old. Mama had put one of Granny's quilts down on the ground for me to play on and gave me a big plastic rose to play with. I wonder what I was thinking as I was looking at it so intensely! Was I thinking that one day I would be a real 'Southern Rose'?
The song that I have playing is called 'Delta Dawn'. I remeber singing it all of the time when I was little. My mom bought me a little record player and I would play this song over and over. I only remember 2 records (45's) that I had back then. The other one was called "Cotten Fields Back Home"

Thanks for inviting us, Deanna.
I loved seeing your baby pictures and also Mr. Timeless Things'. You were such a little doll. He was adorable too.
I hope that you have a very 'Happy Birthday' and we will see you tomorrow at the Movie Star Party!
Get ready to party!!!
Your baby pics are just too cute!! What a precious baby you were! I, too, had the dreaded sponge rollers & pin curls with bobby pins at times! I just had to giggle at that sweet pic of you "shirtless"!! Too adorable for words!
Angelic Accents
cute pics :)
I missed playing along with this b-day bash, but I'm loving everyone's pics. What an adorable baby girl you were!
♥ Teresa
Hi HONEY!!! Oh you were an adorable little Southern Baby Girl!! I think you were looking at that rose knowing that someday you would be a true Southern Rose...!!!
Thank you so much for sharing this special day with me. I am so blessed for having met you and Stevie. I am living for the day when we can truly meet and give each other that hug. You make my days so very special with your friendship. I love you.
Big Texas Hugs,
Deanna :D
Looking at your pics brought a song to my got the cutest little baby were beautiful then and even more beautiful now!!
I have always seen a lot of you in Garrett. He also has your tender, caring and loving heart. Well, he is a lot like you.
Adorable.....Yes, I agree you'd have looked like a China doll...with dark hair...what a cutie.
You sure were a cute and spunky looking little girl! My Mom used to roll my hair in sponge rollers at night for special occasions, like school pictures. I had really long hair so it would only curl the ends. I liked to do tomboy stuff too. We lived near the woods when I was young and would climb trees and hang out there for hours.
I can't wait to see you all dolled up with squeaky clean feet tomorrow!
Very cute pictures. They made me smile : )
Cute photos...
Very cute pictures!
I have so many of these fading pics! Film in the 70's isn't holding up!!! You are a cutie!! It is so nice to see you at sweet Deanna's Party!!
Hugs, Lisa
Hi Sweet Friend,
Your baby pics are darling. You were so cute and now so pretty!! I love the shirtless pic. I have one like that at about 2 also. I have to laugh as I too had the sponge rollers and bobbie pins doubled to stay in. My hair was so thick that I had curls for days from those bobbie pins. Your pic sitting on the quilt with the rose is beautiful. It looks like a victorian style pic. That one would be gorgeous painted with roses in an art piece.
I so enjoyed your post before this one using Lucy and Rickie to tell your story getting ready for the party. They are my favorites and you did such a creative job using the pics. I loved it.
Thank you for having me to celebrate with Deanna's birthday bash. It was fun.
Have a great 4th of July weekend, with health, happiness and love.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
How cute you are!! I always loved Delta Dawn too. I'll have it in my head the rest of the night!
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