Look Stevie, what came in the mail today! An invitation from Deanna at 'Timeless Things' to her birthday party! Can you believe it? I have been wanting to meet her and Marshall in person for so long! She sent you one too!!! Do you want to go? Can you get off work? I can ask for a couple of days off and if they say 'no', I can just...go anyway! I have to go! I have to go and wish her a Happy Birthday in person!
"Well...it would be fun and it would be nice to meet them in person, but as your personal banker...I just looked at your account today and, honey, you are broke! And until the economy picks up, you might as well say that I am broke too! We would have to have traveling money and money to buy her some birthday gifts and so on and so on. Plus, aren't you forgetting that we already made plans to go out to eat at the 'diner' with Fred and Ethel for Fred's birthday? We couldn't cancel on that!"

"What I can I do? Lee Laurie really wants to go to Deanna's party! That is all that she has been talking about! I gotta think of something!"
"Think,think,think!" "I know that I can come up with something! I just gotta go! I can sell something, I can make her a gift, I can cook her something! I can take out a loan! Oh no...my banker said that I can't do that! "

"I know! I've got a great idea! I will call Deanna an ask her if we can bring our friends because I don't want to hurt their feelings. She will understand that we can't cancel on Fred's birthday outing! She knows that I don't like hurting anyones feelings. Why didn't I think of this before? Stevie, give me that phone."

"Hello Marshall, This is Lee Laurie from A Southern Rose. May I please speak to Deanna for a minute?"

"Think,think,think!" "I know that I can come up with something! I just gotta go! I can sell something, I can make her a gift, I can cook her something! I can take out a loan! Oh no...my banker said that I can't do that! "

"I know! I've got a great idea! I will call Deanna an ask her if we can bring our friends because I don't want to hurt their feelings. She will understand that we can't cancel on Fred's birthday outing! She knows that I don't like hurting anyones feelings. Why didn't I think of this before? Stevie, give me that phone."

"Hello Marshall, This is Lee Laurie from A Southern Rose. May I please speak to Deanna for a minute?"
"Well, Lee Laurie, Deanna is out shopping right now...for the 3rd time today, trying to pick out the perfect dress for her birthday bash. Would you like for me to have her call you whenever she gets home?"
"Well you see Marshall, we are in kind of a predicament. Her party is on the same night as our best friend Fred's and we already promised to go out to eat dinner with them. We just got the invitation and we really want to come but we don't want to cancel with them....
"Oh, Lee Laurie, Why don't you just bring them with y'all? I'm sure that Deanna would say the same! The more the merrier! See...problem solved! You just tell Stevie to be ready to parrrty!"
"Thank you so much Marshall! You two are the best!"
"Good bye!"
"Good bye!"

"Hello Fred, Could you and Ethel come over tonight? We need to ask you something and we would like to do it in person. Thanks, goodbye."

"We are all invited to go to our friend Deanna's birthday bash. Would y'all like to go? Fred, we can celebrate your birthday while we are there too." " It will be so much fun. There will be dancing and singing. And eating, Fred. All kinds of delicious food!" "What do you say....Ethel...Fred"
"Sounds like fun to me!" "Me too, I can't wait!!!"

"Come on Stevie, you just gotta show me how to dance. I haven't danced in years and I know everybody there will be dancing!" "Oh yea, did you ever say if you were gonna take me or not?"
"Thanks Stevie, You are so sweet!" "I knew that you would make sure that I got to go and meet Deanna!"

"Oh no! Ethel, what are we going to wear? What are we going to get her for a birthday gift? Money has been so tight lately! We have to think of something!"

"Thanks Stevie, You are so sweet!" "I knew that you would make sure that I got to go and meet Deanna!"

"Oh no! Ethel, what are we going to wear? What are we going to get her for a birthday gift? Money has been so tight lately! We have to think of something!"
"Why don't you just be yourself, Lee Laurie. Just wear something that you already have that FITS. You have a closet full of dresses and shoes!"

"Lee Laurie, Just whose idea was this anyway?" Is all of this work worth it just to buy Deanna an expensive birthday gift? I say lets just give her some of these chocolates!" "I'm sure that she would love it!"

"Ethel, We can't give her those chocolates. They melted all down the front of my shirt! I don't want to even hear the word CHOCOLATE for a long,long,time."

"What are we going to do Ethel? Stevie says that he only has money to get us to the party and not for birthday gifts. We can't go empty handed." "Boo Hoo"

"What can we do Fred? We gotta think of something to give to Deanna for her birthday." "Think hard" "I don't want Lee Laurie and Ethel to get into any mischief trying to come up with something on their own."

"Wow, Lee, I didn't know that we could play this good! Let's get the boys to take us to the boats and win some money and then we can buy her a big beautiful gift!" 

"Sorry that we didn't win Stevie, we tried we really did." "It was harder playing with those guys than it was playing with Ethel" "Maybe these fish will do for her gift. Marshall could throw them on the grill and they could have fish for a week!"

"What are you doing now, Lee?" "I'm making Deanna a birthday cake." "You wanna help me?" "Sure, that will be fun..."

"What is that Stevie?"
"Well I thought that you could put it on top of the cake where it kind-of sunk. That way maybe they won't notice!" "Okay, Stevie, Lets just get to the party!"

"Hey, Slow it down! I want this picture to turn out great for my scrapbook! This hood sure is getting hot! Slow down and let me back in...my hair is getting messed up!"

"Hello Deanna and Marshall. So glad to meet you. Thanks you so much for inviting us to your birthday bash. Would you like for me to tell your fortunes?"

"Deanna, I would like to play you a birthday song. I hope that you like it. Feel free to get up and dance! Hey, its your party"

"Thank y'all both for inviting us! Everything is just so beautiful! You and Marshall are beautiful."

"Stevie taught me a little dance and we would like to dance for you for your birthday. I had to drink a couple of glasses of your champagne before I got brave enough to do this, so don't stop me now!" "I feel a little tipsy...I don't ever drink!"

"Ethel are you ready to sing the birthday song?" "Hit it boys!"

"Stevie, Thanks for bringing me. I had a lovely time. Isn't Deanna so sweet to have given us all of those gifts...and its her birthday! Too bad Fred sat on the cake. Oh well...I'm sure Deanna understands. Thanks for making this a special time for me."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I have not stopped laughing since I started reading it..... I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!! How creative you guys are......I AM LITERALLY ROLLING ON THE FLOOR WITH TEARS RUNNING DOWN MY EYES!!!! Ohhhhh I can't breath....BWAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Thank you so much you two for coming to our little Shindig and we wouldn't have had it without you! Your gifts were from the heart and despite Fred sitting on the cake, it was absolutely delicious!!!
All of our Love,
Deanna and Marshall
Oh, Lee Laurie, how adorable ... I LOVE I Love Lucy more than any other show in the world, then GWTW. You have such a gift for your presentations. Have a beautiful 4th. TTFN ~ Marydon
Lee Laurie, I want to thank you so much for persuading me into going to Deanna's birthday party. We had so much fun....and wasn't it great that Fred and Ethel got to go with us. I think Deanna and Marshall enjoyed our song and dance we did for them....I am glad I got you off the dance floor when I did, you had had just a little toooo much champagne....
However, I have a confession to make to you......you see, in Meadville where I work, it is like going back in time 20 to 25 years...so, the economy is growing strong everyday! The investments that we have made in the real estate market have tripled!!! I also got that huge promotion at the bank I mentioned to you the other day. Also, you and Ethel maybe didn't do real good at the boat...but Fred and I hit the big kahunna!! So, you see you don't need a loan now. Actually, I have already taken care of all your loans. We have always been rich....rich with having each other, having our family and friends, our health, we are rich in so many ways....and now we have enough money to help people that really need help. And, IF, they are wearing a Ralph Lauren Polo shirt, they have to be OK! lol.
I am sorry that I forgot the fish in our luggage.
Do you think Deanna and Marshall will come to Mississippi? They are so much fun to be around. Hey, let's invite them to go on the 450 mile long yard sale we are going to....woo-hoo...sounds like another road trip....but this time, please don't ride on the hood of the truck taking pictures, I really don't think that police officer thought it was funny.
What a hilarious Tale! Sounds like you guys had a bit of a rough start getting to the party. I'm so glad you finally made it, you added an immense amount of fun to the Birthday Bash! It was a swell time and I can't wait until we meet up at the next party!
This post was such a blast from the past!! Lucy has always been such a favorite of mine. Love it!!
Angelic Accents
Byisteal and I are in Florida on our hubby's family reunion but we just had to come and see your I Love Lucy episode....Girl, you need to write for TV!! This is a riot!!
Farren and Byisteal
OMG! LOL! Loved your post. The party wss a blast. This was just too much fun.
Hugs :)
How fun!! I introduced my teens to "I LOVE LUCY" this week via Netflix. They loved it and we are going to watch some more. We also are watching "Petticoat Junction" and "The Duke's of Hazzard" which they like as well. I actually got to kiss the guy that plays Bo Duke (John Schneider) when I was a teenager. He was a doll and still is today.
Have a wonderful Independence Day!
Oh Boy!!!!! That was really fantastic!!!What a load of fun!!!You have a great imagination!!!VERY FUNNY!!!LOL LOL LOL can't waut for the next party.
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