These are some cute pictures of my precious grand son that I took a couple of weeks ago. He had spent the night with me and these were taken the next day. I had never given him a Popsicle before, not sure if his mama had either. He loved it. I had to hold it for him at first to get him started. 
He didn't really want to hold it himself, but he finally decided to grab it! He was really lovin' it! He looks so much like his mama when she was a little girl.
I had put on some fast music and he got so excited. I tried to take it away once to see what he would do. He was so funny! He instantly started to get upset! Of course I gave it back...and fast.
He was so messy and sticky afterwards! We had to get a bath! I love spoiling my grand baby.
He is the most adorable thing, I just love those photos!!! Priceless!!! No wonder you spoil him, who wouldn't? My mom used to say that was her God give rite as a Grandma to spoil her grandbabies!!! He's precious Lee.
♥ Teresa
Don't you just love those dribbly sticky wee ones ... He is adorable, Lee Laurie ... I loved every single moment of our little ones to spoil. Mom & Dad shake at our philosophy ... When you come to Mimi & Poppy's you can have anything you want. Chuckle! TTFN ~Marydon
hehe... a kid after my own heart. I adore popsicles. It's my one true love from childhood and still eat them today.
I wondered what happen to the other half of my popsicle! Ha. He is sumpin else. They grow up so fast...don't they? When I walk in and he sees me that smile of his and lifts those arms for me to pick him up.....well, how can you not pick him up. He will lay his head on my shoulder giving me love...ahhhhwwweee. He is a sweet boy.
Ooohhh Lee,
He's soo precious ... Forget the popsicle, I would just be eating him up !! It he's not the sweetest, happiest looking baby.. But of course,he's at Grammas house.. Such fun, and what memories you create.. xxoo hugs ~tea~xo
Oh icky sticky cute!!
Things for me to look forward to! We have about 7 weeks left for the birth of our first grandchild. I am getting nervous.
They are so sweet when they discover new sweets! I gave my nephew his first ice cream push pop not long ago and he loved it. He went straight to the tub as well. There is just no getting around all that stickiness any other way!
Hi Lee,
I'm so glad you want to join Pink Saturday. It is sooo fun and you'll meet a lot of nice pink loving girlies. Just click on the Pink Saturday button on my blog and that will take you to Beverly's, just email her that you want to participate and she'll add you to the list, it's that easy. The deadline to enter every week is like Friday by 8 a.m. I believe. Hugs, Teresa
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