Do you ever think about the time before emails, texts, and instant messages? I was dusting my secretary the other day, it was so dusty...and I started thinking about when was the last time that I actually sat down and wrote a letter to anyone. Well, I realized it has been a while. Now I do everything on the computer. It's hard to believe sometimes. I use to have a 'button phobia' as I call it. I felt intimidated by any kind of button technology. LOL I finally bought me an I-phone a few weeks ago when the price dropped. I never would have thought that I would want one of those. I love it. I was at my dad's house the other day and I showed him my blog using my I-phone. He was shocked that I was over my 'button-phobia'. Well...getting back to the subject, I want to start writing letters again. I miss doing that. It just seems so much more personal. And I love pretty stationary! Especially with roses!
This is my little writing area. I have so many things in my secretary that my kids have given me throughout the years. Garrett was in there while I was cleaning and dusting and he would ask me who gave me what. He was so cute. I told him that Christy had given me the little Fenton green candle holder this past Mother's Day and the ceramic book with the rose on it for Mother's Day years ago. 
He wanted to know what Cole had given me. I told him that Cole had given me the little fat pig on top with the roses on it. It still has the pennies in it that he had put in it when he was a little boy. Then Garrett wanted to know if he had given me the rose lamp or the rose heart box. I told him 'no', that they were bought way before he was even born. I kept looking and I realized that there wasn't anything on there that he had gotten for me. Of course he realized it too. He said "Mommy, I haven't been able to do much shopping yet...I'm too young. I'm only 8 years old". He almost made me cry. He touched my heart when he said that because I know that he was speaking from his heart.(He calls me Mommy when its just me and him) Now he wants to go shopping today and 'buy' me something special to put on my secretary. That is what we are going to do today. Spend it together. We have to get groceries, pay bills, and throw a little thrifting in too. I'm sure he will find me something! LOL He is so sweet and tender-hearted.
I think first, I will sit down and write my friend a letter. She is the first blogging friend that I ever met. She is also from Mississippi and her name is Laurie just like me. She did a post one day about writing letters too, and I meant to write to her then but I didn't get a chance to. Garrett even made kool-aid for us to drink so I poured a little in my rose glass. I took a sip and WOW....he forgot to add sugar! I asked him how much he put and he said a whole pack. He meant a whole pack of kool-aid. LOL Aren't kids precious!
Well...let me get to writing so that we can get it to the post office in time. We have a big day in front of us and we are going to have fun!