Well...I have been busy. I finally got the primer and the first coat of 'creamy ivory' paint applied to my china cabinet. I still have to paint the inside. I'm thinking about a soft pink (like the walls) or maybe a soft green. I'm trying to make up my mind! It took me a while to get this far. I don't have a paint sprayer so I had to brush it all on. I got some on the glass but it will come off easily when I get finished. I like the carvings in the wood on the bottom doors. I can't wait to get my dishes all set up in it. My friend Kelly over at 'Rose Vine Cottage Two', has almost finished her hutch and it is so beautiful! If you get a chance, go over to her blog and see it. She has really inspired me to get mine finished! I love that about 'blog' friends. They inspire and motivate me! If anyone has any ideas, please leave me a comment. I plan on finishing it in the next couple of days.

Hi Lee Laurie,
Wow you got alot done!! My first thought was pink but if you have the pink walls then maybe the green would look pretty, I also thought about a paper of some sort instead of painting, maybe that would be easier and faster. Just a thought. It's amazing how paint can totally change the look of furniture!
Your cabinet is beautiful...love that creamy white. It makes all the nice little details pop! Thanks for stopping by to say hey. What a coincidence that you're a Mississippi girl too. I LOVE that! We're almost neighbors. I'm in Hattiesburg. Maybe we can get together sometime and meet.
Wow Lee Laurie, that looks wonderful! I can't believe you used a brush for that! I would have given up at the second stroke. You should run over to Jenn's blog Sweet Eye Candy Creations...she has an armoire that she painted herself and she might be able to give you some ideas about how to paint the interior. I told her that her armoire looked like it was dipped in soft white chocolate. So does yours! Amazing and labor intensive work you did!
I like your friend Stevie. What a nice man.
Many hugs,
Deanna :)
That cabinet is looking wonderful! I love the way paint can make something so beautiful! I vote for the green inside... I actually use fabric inside of mine. I cut a piece of cardboard to fit in the back and then just duct taped the fabric on the cardboard and set it in. That way I can change the fabric when I want a new look. Here is a link to my blog post with the toile fabric in my cabinet:
Hi Lee Laurie,
Oh that is going to be so beautiful!! it is already, what pretty details too! If it was mine, I might leave it creamy to let all the dishes stand out, but I like Kellys idea too!
Thanks so much for stopping in and leaving such sweet comments too!
I can't wait to see it done!
Hugs, Cynthia
Shazam...I like it! :)
Wow, it looks really good. Maybe you should paint it all the same color, and then use Kelly's idea of paper. You could change out the paper colors as you like, or leave it all the same color when you feel like re-decorating.
Love the way this is coming along, looks really great! Can't wait to see it all done over!
Oh this will be so pretty when it's done. I am kinda liking the idea of a green background or papering it...
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