I've been tagged! At the end of this post I will explain...

I wanted to share with you a few pictures of a wedding that me and my friend Missy went to a while back. It was our friend Sandy's wedding and she got married outside of an old Victorian house in the gazebo. Wasn't it so pretty and romantic?

Well... I've been tagged for the first time. Deanna at "Timeless Things" tagged me. Here are the rules... Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Write 7 random things about yourself. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and link to them. Let each person know that you tagged them. Here goes...

A little lady lives there by herself and she lets people use her house for weddings, receptions, parties, meetings .etc. That is how she makes her living.
She has everything decorated so beautifully. Gorgeous antiques and beautiful tiffany lamps are in every room. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was held in the dining hall and it was set up so nice. Missy and I went around afterwards and took a couple of pictures of ourselves. I wonder what it would be like to actually live in a house like that? We loved

Well... I've been tagged for the first time. Deanna at "Timeless Things" tagged me. Here are the rules... Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Write 7 random things about yourself. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and link to them. Let each person know that you tagged them. Here goes...
1.I love to read. I read almost every night before I go to sleep.
2. One of my favorite foods is red beans and rice. I would rather have that than a steak.
3. When I was a little girl, I wanted to grow up and have 7 children like my grandma did. I didn't get to do that, but I was fortunate to have my 3 babies.
4. I love animals! Anytime that I see one that is homeless, I want to take it home with me.
5. I would love to have a daycare one day. That is a little dream that I have.
6. I get excited whenever I see that someone has thrown out something 'good' on the side of the road that I can repurpose!
7. I am a pack rat...#6 helps to explain 'why'. I'm trying to get better with this one! LOL
Now I would like to tag these 7 people...
Melinda--MeMe's Place
Becky----Beyond The Picket Fence
Laurie----Rose Cottage
Becca-----Of Bluebirds and Roses
Kelly------Rose Vine Cottage Two
Penny----The Comforts of Home
Becky-----One Shabby Old House
I tried to list 7 things that maybe I haven't ever told y'all before on my blog about myself. Your turn...Have fun!
perhaps i could visit there...but live...oooo that might be hard for me...!
pretty to look at though!
Oh wow, I love that house.
I enjoyed reading your list. I might have to post another list for myself as someone who shall remain nameless...(spouse) said my list was too shallow! My jaw dropped. He said I could have at least elaborated more on my choices. My jaw dropped again and hit the floor. Well fritters! LOL!
Have a great tomorrow!
Deanna :)
Thanks for the tag--I will pass it on this week. You like beans and rice better than steak! I don't know about that one Ü although it is certainly more healthy than steak!
Congrats on being tagged and thanks for clearing up the confusion. I thought a man was commenting which would be a first! Yes, my quatrefoil chairs could be in Alice in Wonderland. I didn't picture it until you mentioned it!
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