Good morning! I feel so much better today! The rain has gone away and my fibro-pain has eased up. Yesterday I almost could not get out of bed. The weather was very bad and my body hurt all over! I have to go into work at 4:00 today. Since I feel so much better, I hope to be able to get a few things done at my cottage. I wanted to show some pictures of my friend's kitchen cabinets. She just had them done in the 'crackle' style. I love them! Since I haven't painted mine yet...this is how I want to do them. This cottage didn't have upper cabinets when I bought it so I got some from Lowe's (my favorite store!) and got my friend Stevie to install them for me. I haven't had time to paint them yet. I'm glad that I didn't because when I saw hers, I knew that was what I wanted to do! I already had new counter tops installed. I just used Formica. It looks a lot better. I picked a pattern that looks like granite.

My appliances are black. I had always wanted black appliances so when I moved to my cottage, I had to buy new ones anyway, so I was finally able to get the ones that I wanted. I still don't have a dishwasher...that is on my list for this year. Maybe for my birthday in April. I can get myself a birthday gift! My cottage is a work in progress...a lot of hard work! I know when it gets finished, I will be so happy!
When it is raining and you are feeling/hurting so bad.....I think about the song by Third Day-When The Rain Comes. I think you have it on your playlist. I love the song you put on for this post...Michael Buble-Feeling Good. The first time I heard his song, it was shortly after I had moved out and was getting a divorce after 19 years of marriage. It had and still does have a lot of meaning to me. It just fit me...taling about a new beginning, a new day....adn FEELING GOOD! I can't wait to start on the cabinets. It will be an experience. Maybe after we experiment on yours, I will do mind. HA. We need to take before and after pictures. I am glad that you are feeling better. Hope you have a wonderful day my friend.
Certainly glad you are feeling better :) And I can tell you are excited about your new can't wait to see yours...
Agreed your friend's turned out lovely...!
Sure happy you are a "Merry Muser" on the Diva's Hammer...why, it wouldn't be the same without you!
I am sorry that you have not been feeling well, but I am glad you are feeling better now.
I love your friend's cabinets. I would have never thought of doing that finish on cabinets. It looks really neat.
I am wanting to paint my cabinets in my laundry room. I might do that finish to them as well. Thanks for the neat idea.
Thanks for stopping by to read about the benefits of peroxide. Sorry to hear you have been in pain. That can really put projects like your cupboards on hold. I'm getting over a terrible flu/cold. I don't know what is worse, feeling sick or seeing all the things that need to be done when I feel better! Good luck on your cupboards!
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