I just wanted to show y'all a few more thrift store finds that I've bought over the past couple of weeks. I plan on putting some of the things in my booth at the vendor's mall but of course I have to keep some of them for ME!! I love this wooden cross! I plan on keeping it unless my daughter decides when she sees it that she wants it. She has a collection of crosses and I know that she doesn't have one like this. It was only $2.00.

I love this birdhouse-flower pot. I will probably keep it and put it on my desk.
I love the little rosebuds on it. It was only $3.oo.

When I saw this electric tart warmer, I got so excited! It is perfect for my shabby-chic' den. I love Yankee Candle scented wax tarts. I found some where I work and the scent is called 'Cottage Breeze'. They smell so fresh and clean. Isn't it pretty? Its definitely a keeper! It was $6.00.

I love this little key holder. I could hang my keys in it at the end of the day and I wouldn't have to search for them in the mornings! I like that it has a place for a picture and a place to put mail. It was $5.00.

This last item is perfect for my kitchen. I don't have a dishwasher yet for my little cottage. Maybe it will inspire Cole to help me with the dishes! I wish....but wishes won't do dishes!
Yes Deanna you caught me posting pictures! That is funny! Thanks for leaving me a comment even though I had not yet typed any words yet! That was sweet!
Boo! I caught you posting pictures! As of this comment, you still have not put any words to your pics! I've never had that happen....LOL
Eating cauliflower but pretending it's chocolate peanut clusters,
Deanna :)
Hi sweetie!
I'm just sitting here watching The People's Court with my husband. We have Wednesday's off together which is so nice for us as we work so hard to try and get quality time together during the work week. We were going to head out to the flea market but it' very cold outside and well...laziness set in. Marshall is in his recliner with his Spurs flannel blanket covering his shivering legs and I'm on the sofa covered up with my snowflake blanket and visiting my favorite girls.
I'm fixing to post my flea goodies from last week so come on over when you get a chance!
Wishing for some hot chocolate,
Deanna :)
The shopping Queen Diva strikes again. Girl, you can find those deals. The two I like the most are....the wooden sign...Wishes wont do Dishes and the key holder. Let me tell ya, I know how I feel, when I am running late, can't find my keys....and realize I left them in my friend's truck and call him and he has to leave work to bring them to me....did I mention that my friend works 35 minutes away.....ummmm...I guess that would make him a good friend? Has this ever happen to you?
Such wonderful finds..Any of those items I could use.
Nothing is any better than
thrift store shopping.
Great finds.
Wow so many great bargains...dang woman I want to go shopping with you! I'd have a hard time giving any of these up!
Greetings..what delights you have found..LOL i am laughing still at the signage :)
Okay, now I can see your comments on your post! LOL
I love everything! The cross is lovely. I know my aunt would try and take it away from you!
Deanna :)
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