Happy Birthday to my youngest son, Garrett! He is 8 years old today! Time has just flown by so fast! I looked through my pictures that I have on my computer and decided to do a post just for him. He loves reading my blog and when he sees all of these, he will be so happy. This first one is when he was only 2 months old. Wasn't he a beautiful baby? He had a head full of dark hair which ended up falling out and it grew back blond! I use to call him 'Little Boy Blue'. I still do sometimes.
In this one, he was only 2 weeks old. I remember that because my sister had her baby exactly one week later and they are 3 weeks apart. I had taken my sister out to eat at Piccadilly that day for lunch. This picture was taken right after we got back home. Garrett was starving! I was exhausted! I just flopped down on the floor in his nursery to feed him. I let my sister sit in the rocking chair because she was about to POP! We were afraid that she was going to go into labor that day!

This is Garrett before I popped his bottle into his mouth! I told you that he was starving! He was always hungry!

This is one Halloween when Garrett was around 2 years old. Cole was the monster from 'Scream' and Christy was just 'Blue'. Garrett was 'Woody' from 'Toy Story'. He loved Woody. They were all so cute.

Cole and Garrett on his first Christmas. I just love this picture. One of my many favorites. "Brotherly Love"

Garrett's preschool picture. My little country boy! His name for me was "YaYa". He started it on his own and he called me that for years. 

Another one of my favorite pictures! 

Shopping in Walmart! He just had to have a cowboy hat! 

My sweet little man at 2 years old.

Kindergarten picture! I love this one

Garrett at 7 years old. All ready for school.

Just where has the time gone? Seems like he is growing up a lot faster than my other two did. Maybe it seems that way because I'm getting so 'old'. LOL

Here he is in the most recent photo that I have. Taken a couple of weeks ago.

Just where has the time gone? Seems like he is growing up a lot faster than my other two did. Maybe it seems that way because I'm getting so 'old'. LOL
My kids have been such a joy to me.
Well...now I'm off to Garrett's school to take cupcakes for his birthday party with his little classmates. You know I will take pictures if they let me. He is going to be surprised. I know in a couple of years , he won't let me do this anymore. LOL
His sister just called me and said "Mom, I'm so broke I think that I'm gonna wrap up one of my kittens and give to Garrett for his birthday!" I said "Please no, don't do that". We have way too many dogs around here for that!
Have a great day!
Happy Birthday sweet lil' man Garrett..Hope your day is special, filled with many happy moments, and lots of presents.. Yippee for birthdays..Hope you get your favorite yummy cake too !! Have a happy day you all !!! hugs ~tea~xo
Oh...I have to say Happy Birthday of course...WOW, what a wonderful time to be blogging about Flo~Frudie cake LOL...although I dare say that young man already has his favorite cake. Are you baking? :)
Seems to boys are always more ravenous than girls...I know my sons nearly ate us out of house and home! LOL
Please enjoy your birthday boy!!!
Aw happy birthday little bug. What a cutie he turned into eh?
Happ Birthday to your sweet baby boy! He sure is handsome. I love that picture of you and him when he was 2 weeks old...so sweet. Also...you look so stinkin skinny for just having had a baby. So not fair. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Mother's Day!!
p.s. I'd love to see pics of that chalkboard wall you did at the tanning salon. If you find them, let me know.
Blessings on your birthday little fella. Have a wonderful day filled with fun & family.
TTFN ~ Marydon
Oh what a sweet little guy. I hope he had a wonderful birthday, and don't they just love the cupcakes on their birthday at school from Mom? I don't know what it is that makes those cupcakes taste so much better!!! Hope your weekend is fun-filled.
♥ Teresa
Thanks for popping into my blog, yours is so beautiful! I love the design you have on your blog. Happy birthday to your adorable son Garrett. They do grow all too quickly-but what a blessing and a priviledge it is to raise them! Stop back in to Chloe's Couture sometime. Happy Mother's Day!
Your son is adorable and 8 years old...my baby is 28 years old....but I do remember him as a sweet little boy...he did grown up to be a wonderful man...he is a Police Office...he wanted to be an officer since he was in 5th grade.....I wonder what your little one wants to be when he growes up???? Something wonderful I am sure.....I love the picture of him that says Feed Me ...so cute....
Mo :-)
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