I found some pictures of one of my daughter's baby showers in a box yesterday. I thought it would be a good time to post them because tomorrow is his 1st birthday party! His birthday was actually yesterday and my sister's little boys was too. ( May 29th. ) They decided to have Chase's party today. He turned 8 years old. Tomorrow is Jason's party. This year has just flown by...
The top picture is of my mom and Christy. We were playing a game to see how big her belly was!

Our cousin Angie trying to see how close she was to winning. Christy wasn't very big at all.

Me and Christy as she opened the soft snow suit that I bought him. We live in the South...so everyone was like..."Why did you get him that? Are they planning on taking a trip to Alaska? " LOL Guess what? He WAS able to wear it a few times because it snowed a lot here at the beginning of the year. He looked so cute and cuddly in it.

Christy got so emotional. Every time I looked at her in the face, she would start crying. She had us all crying before it was over. She has always been so tender hearted and sentimental. When she was expecting, she would cry about everything.

Christy and her Aunt Melinda. Melinda gave her the baby shower at her house.
That was so sweet of her. She had three showers in all and she received so many baby clothes, blankets,etc. She had his nursery fixed up already. She was 8 months here. He was born a couple of weeks later.

Melinda, her daughter Whitney, Christina, me and Mom. We were all excited and waiting for little Jason to make his arrival in a few days. The picture on the table is of his sonogram. The new 3D version. If you click on the picture it will enlarge. They didn't do sonograms like that when I had my children. WOW!
Sometimes, I would catch Christy just staring at it and day dreaming about her baby. She is so happy.
Today, we went to my sister's house in Kentwood, La. for her son Chase's birthday party. It was a lot of fun. The kids all loved it! They rented the Big Kahunna water slide and the kids played for hours! Now tomorrow we do it all over again for Jason's party. I will take tons of pictures...of course!
What a lovely time to share and i agree the year has flown hasn't it?
Great photos, and your daughter was so tiny that she barely looked pregnant, how sweet!! Looks like little birthday wishes all around, what fun!! Love the photo of all of you, you can defintely tell you're all related. Hope you have a joyous time celebrating birthdays again today!!
♥ Teresa
Reminds me of my daughter, she never wore maternity clothes at all & when we checked in for her to give birth, they didn't believe she was pg! When the nurse felt that flat tummy she said, 'there is something in there' ... no kidding! 6# worth of something ... chuckle.
Congrats & have a wonderful bday celebration. TTFN ~ Marydon
your daughters shower looked like a good time....I know with my own grand children how time goes so fast...happy birthday to your grandson...
Mo ;-)
Very soon it will be time for a baby shower for my first grandchild. Seems surreal really as I don't feel old enough lol
Just blog hopping today and enjoyed reading your blog...I am posting on our Disney trip so hope you will stop by. Also, the June giveaway starts today...all comments left in June will be in the drawing for the "June Card Box"! You will have to go down a few posts to read about the monthly giveaway. I love your pictures... Happy Sunday!
sounds like fun, awaits you once more! :)
(gosh why didn't they make cute maternity clothes way back when?) LOL
So sweet! I just love that last picture of you with your family. Everone looks so happy. But really, what could be happier than a new baby, right?
You all look so pretty and so much alike!
My brother's birthday is May 29 ~
Hope you will have a lovely week.
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