I was suppose to spend the day with my daughter and sister for a day of fun and shopping. I woke up not feeling too well so I decided to stay home. I really wanted to spend time with them. We plan to reschedule our outing soon. They understand when I have days like that. I'm not feeling too good this morning. I'm going to have to force myself to get ready for work.
I wanted to show you a few things that I bought on one of my last thrifting days. I got this beautiful purse with roses on it at the Vendor's market for $2.00. That was a great price and I just had to have it. I already have the umbrella that matches. It was meant for me to go into Vendor's that day. It was just hanging there ready for me to see it! I love roses!
This little table is so cute. The top of it is mosaic. It has precious little pink roses on it. I put it in front of my black refrigerator just for this picture so that it would show up. It's going in my 'Shabby' den. I don't know if I will place a plant on it or not. I don't really want to cover up the pretty roses. I got it for $3.00.
This mug, I picked up for $1.00. I love to buy mugs with different sayings on them. I drink my coffee out of a different mug each day. It depends on my mood which mug I pick depending on what it says. This is what is written on this one...One day at a time...
Do not look back
and feel sorry
about the past,
for it is gone.
Do not worry
about the future
for it has not yet come.
Live in the present.
and make it beautiful.
Isn't that beautiful? It has a lot of meaning to me. I just have to remember these words on a daily basis.
Have a blessed day!
Thank you all who sent get well wishes to Garrett. He is doing much better now.
Good morning Lee,
Hope your feeling better soon.. I think we all need Spring.. Your treasured finds are beautiful !! Love the saying on the mug.. If we all truly remembered this, what a difference our spirit would be.. God is good, and has plans for us !! Hoping your day gets better, and somehow you are truly blessed as you set out ... Blessings and love ~tea~xo
Good Morning!
I hope you are feeling well soon! What great treasures you have found. I really like the little table. I am a closet table fanatic!! It is an addiction that can only be cured by buying small tables!! LOL!!
Prayers going up for you Lee. I hope you feel better very soon and your back on your feet to enjoy your family. I love your stand! I don't think I would want to cover it either. Maybe a picture witha candle next to it would look nice. Your mug... smack on with the saying. Everyone should live by the words it offers.
Dear Lee...
Right after the birth of my son in 2/82 (after trying to conceive for a LONG TIME) my pastor-father sent me a Mother's Day card the follwowing May...
It said in part...
"Your son will be around when ALL others have left. For they develope a strong sense of attachement to their mothers...."
I've never forgotten that. Blessings to you as your raise your beloved boy into adulthood. what a blessing he is to you!
Get well...feel better soon! Thinking of you and lifting you up!
Hi little Sugar,
you got some good stuff there! I love what the coffee mug says.
I hope you get to feeling better soon!
Say hi to Stevie!
Deanna :D
What great finds. Hey, next time you're in H'burg let me know and we can make run to Hobby Lobby together. I may have 2 little tag alongs, but if you give me a day or two notice I could get Grandma to sit. Also, my sister lives in Hammond and I'm there frequently too. How neat that we live so close. I'd love to meet up with you sometime.
p.s. I hope you get to feeling better soon!
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