I just got a comment from one of my friends that I haven't talked to in a while. It was so good to hear from her. Melanie and I use to be so close. We even shared an apartment back in the 80's! These pictures below were taken at her wedding shower back in 1988? I'm really not sure of the year...even though I was a bridesmaid. I just can't remember. I do remember that our dresses were pink. ( I still have mine somewhere!) My daughter Christy was the flower girl and she was around 4 or 5 years old.
Left to right...Connie, me, Melanie, Penny, and Sandra in the front. Look at our clothes and hairstyles! That was when 'perms' were the big thing! Big hair was in! I looked like a poodle!
This was her grocery bag shower. We each all brought her a bag of groceries! It was so fun watching her go through it all. Look at all of our socks and faded denim! I love looking back and seeing the way we dressed!
Melanie with her muffin mix! She was so cute here! She married her high school sweetheart. Well, actually he went to school with me. They are still married and I'm so glad. They make a great couple and they have such a sweet little family. They have 3 children. Jordan, Brooke, and Cody.
Me and Melanie. She is coming home this Summer and we plan on getting together.
Just an update on my tests yesterday. I had to have the chemical stress test on my heart. It was scary and I didn't like it at all. It made my chest, neck, and ears hurt! When I got home I had a terrible headache! I slept most of the afternoon. Now I am wearing a heart monitor again for 48 hours. I turn it in on Friday. I hope that I don't have anything seriously wrong with my heart. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
oh my yes...thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers, to be sure :)
I am so happy that you have found a moment to gather fond memories :) Oh my you two will have such FUN!!!!!
It's funny and kinda strange when we look back at the friends we had in common growing up and we new who each other was...however, we never hung out together??? It was nice to hear from Melanie yesterday....they are starting to plan our 25 year class reunion.....where has the time gone? She also told me that she better see "ya'll" there.
I hope and pray that you do get to feeling better today.
Take care,
These pictures are hilarious and embarrassing, ha!!! I am so glad you posted them. I don't know where many old pictures from high school and college are, so I love when I can copy and paste them in my picture files when someone else posts them in places like this or facebook. At the same time I often wonder what I was thinking about the style. Ha!! Ha!! Sandra Jordan tried to teach me all about style in college. So, I would follow her advice. Thanks for including me in your blog. Those pictures bring back old, really old memories. I have many fun and silly memories with you. I remember making hamburger helper and brownies often, ha!!! I remember Christy wanting to go to McDonalds...."I want to go to McDonalds, I want to go to McDonalds", ha!! I remember you eating happy meals for your lunch breaks from McDonalds and wondering how that filled you up...of course you weighed about 80 pounds, so it probably did fill you up. I am going to have to dig for some old pictures to post on my facebook. Barry Boyd has posted many old ones. I know that I have a really good picture of you, me and Rex McCullough somewhere. Do you remember him? He was a nice guy. Well, thanks for the smile and memories!!!
I am praying for you. Don'y ytou wonder why they give you tests that totally stress you out, when you are trying to not be stressed?
Dear Lee Laurie,
You have my thoughts and prayers my friend for a very good outcome with the heart tests. Just remember, you are in God's hands.
The pics from around 88 sure are cute. Yes, we did wear our hair permed and big back then. How nice that your friend will visit soon.
Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. Always so nice to see you. Take good care and let us know how your tests turn out.
Prayers for you.
Big hugs, Celestina Marie
You KNOW it's the early 80's. has to be.. look at the twisted sister hair on the girls.. WOW...
walk back in time and straighten that hair... NO WAY... you'd rather die..
I had a perm once too!
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