Last night, I received a call from my son Cole. He is living in Memphis,Tennessee right now, getting ready to start college. He called me to tell me that he had looked at my post about him when he was a baby and it made him get teary eyed. I couldn't believe that he used those exact words! LOL. Then he said something that really shocked me and touched my heart at the same time. He said "Mom, when I read your blog and saw all of those pictures of me it made me realize how much you love me and miss me." He also said that he didn't know that I loved him that much until he read my blog! That is the part that shocked me! I always thought that my kids knew how much I loved them! I try to show them everyday. Maybe he is just homesick. I reassured him and told him that I love him very much. This is a photo of Cole and Christy when she was 8 years old and he was only 2 months! He was already a charming little man! I dressed him in a little tuxedo outfit. All of the ladies in the store that day kept talking to him and wanting to hold him. I was so happy that he smiled. Christy looked like a little mama here. She was always like a little mama to Cole. They were and still are very close.

No words, just hugs.
COLE.... {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}
Oh your momma loves you BIGTIME buddy... BIGTIME.. all momma's do their children so much.
Even when your rotten little buggers we love our children.
Just tell your mom once in a while and keep letting it show. Not one moment is promised so promise to love every moment!!
Lee.... awwwww
You made me cry! Hug him tight next time you see him!
Now I am teary beautiful...all the best to you and to your handsome son! The love you have for him is very, very, obvious to anyone reading. Its beautiful.
You made me cry!! I haven't been blogging much lately, my Mom was here visiting so I just wanted to pop in and say hi (;
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