This is me in front of the wisteria bush. This was taken last year. I have always loved wisteria. I love the color of this one and the smell is so sweet. I was a bit nervous standing there because there were so many bees flying around the blooms! They scare me!
I have a white wisteria too and I love it. I am so glad that spring is here. I love this time of year. I was born in the spring. My birthday is next month. The day before Easter.
I have been feeling a little bit better. I just don't have much energy. Hopefully I will find out something soon. Thank you everyone that has left sweet comments for me and for keeping me in your prayers.

Hi Lee, I really hope whatever test they have run come back to you soon with answers. I know 8 long years of waiting was the hardest part of dealing with my illness. NOw that it has a name it is easier to fight it mentally.
I truly hope you get to feeling 100% soon. Be well and dont' forget to rest when your tired. Don't overdue. Just sit with lemonaide on your porch, put your feet up and rest. Prayers go up for you my dear.
The Wisteria is beautiful. We have one that has just started putting on blooms in the last couple of years. I was so happy with the fragrance of it!!
Have a great day!
Dear Lee Laurie,
You look so pretty in front of the wisteria, despite being afraid of the bees.
Praying that your test results come back good.
Love and hugs))
Hi Lee, I love Spring too, perfect for sitting outside and drinking my morning coffee! The Wisteria trees in bloom are always gorgeous.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
You are so lucky to have that beautiful Wisteria in your yard. That is such a pretty picture of you in front of it. I have been on the hunt for one, but it is still to early in the season.
I am glad you are feeling a bit better. I hope that you stay feeling better!
Have a wonderful Sunday, Nicole
Mmmm, you look so pretty standing in front of the wisteria - but I can sure relate to being afraid of all the bees buzzing around the bush. No one could make me stand that close.
Keep well..
God Bless
Thank you for the nice comments about my mother's new rose bedspread.
You look so pretty standing in front of that beautiful wisteria. I can sure relate to the fear of the buzzing bees!! I fact I WOULD NEVER BE THAT CLOSE!
Thank you for the nice comments about my mom and her new rose quilt.
God Bless..
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