Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Happy Birthday, Missy...April 1st

Posted by A Southern Rose at 6:31 PM 6 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
Big Old Heavy Window...
What can I do with this window?
One day a couple of weeks ago, while I was on my lunch break, I was riding through town and saw this window on the side of the street waiting for the garbage people to pick it up. I was in my friend Stevie's truck because my car was in the shop. Anyway, when I saw this window, I thought I could get it and paint roses on it and hang it on my little porch. It didn't look that big when I was up in his truck! So I pulled over and jumped out and put the tailgate down and was gonna just hurry up and put it in the back of the truck. When I went over to it, I then realized that it was taller than me! I tried to pick it up and it was soooooo heavy! I thought it was framed in wood but it was metal! I got it upright and almost decided to leave it because of it being so heavy! I looked around and saw some construction men were staring at me. They were talking amongst themselves and it was like they were questioning my ability to get it in the back of the truck. That made me want to get the window even more! I didn't want to seem like a weakling! So I pulled it over to the back of the truck and I tried to push it up in the truck but I couldn't ...it was so heavy! They were still looking at me and laughing! That really aggravated me! So I got up in the back of the truck and pulled and pulled until I finally got the big old heavy window up in the truck. It was tough! It took up the whole back of the truck! I know that I looked like a crazy lady getting that window! I even had on a dress and heels! I jumped up in the driver's seat and looked over at the men and waved good-bye! You should have seen the look on their faces! It was so funny!
(Don't ever underestimate the power of a woman!) LOL
Now the thing is....What do I do with this window!? LOL It is so big and Stevie fell out laughing when he came over and saw it. He got it out for me and put it up against my fence for me. He couldn't believe that I picked it up all by myself. He just kept shaking his head!
If anyone has any good ideas...please let me know. I really want to use it for something after all of that work! I know there are so many creative people out there that could come up with something!
Posted by A Southern Rose at 6:08 AM 12 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I love wisteria
This is me in front of the wisteria bush. This was taken last year. I have always loved wisteria. I love the color of this one and the smell is so sweet. I was a bit nervous standing there because there were so many bees flying around the blooms! They scare me!

Posted by A Southern Rose at 9:18 PM 7 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Flowers in my yard
The flowers are blooming so pretty in my little yard. I wanted to share a few pictures of them with you. This little angel bird bath was left here in the backyard by the previous owners. I think that she is so pretty. I plan on cleaning her up and making a flower bed around her. I don't really know what to plant because she is in the shade in the backyard. I need to find out what flowers will thrive in the shade. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. These are miniature pink Azalea's growing up and down my driveway. I love the color...I just wish that they bloomed longer than they do. We have a lot of Azalea's here in the south.

Posted by A Southern Rose at 6:30 PM 9 comments
Me and Melanie
I just got a comment from one of my friends that I haven't talked to in a while. It was so good to hear from her. Melanie and I use to be so close. We even shared an apartment back in the 80's! These pictures below were taken at her wedding shower back in 1988? I'm really not sure of the year...even though I was a bridesmaid. I just can't remember. I do remember that our dresses were pink. ( I still have mine somewhere!) My daughter Christy was the flower girl and she was around 4 or 5 years old. Left to right...Connie, me, Melanie, Penny, and Sandra in the front. Look at our clothes and hairstyles! That was when 'perms' were the big thing! Big hair was in! I looked like a poodle!

Posted by A Southern Rose at 6:38 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A little cottage in the woods
I could not wait to show these pictures! I spent the day in Meadville, Ms. a few days ago. That is where my friend Stevie works. It is a tiny little town that has a population of only....521. It is the cutest little town and I love it! He did a post about it on his blog...Beautiful Outdoors. This is a little cottage that we ran across and I just had to get out and take pictures! No one was at home. I think that he thought I was a bit crazy getting out with my camera in hand!I love the color of it...a light aqua. It was all by itself on a hill a little bit out from the town. The person that lives there must be handicapped because it has a ramp going across the front of the porch down both sides.

Posted by A Southern Rose at 7:26 PM 8 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Me and old cars...
I've been so busy the last few days! Every time I wanted to stop and do a post something else would come up. I went shopping on Thursday to a few little thrift shops and got a couple of little bargains. I will show them one day soon after I take some pictures of them. This is me when I was a little girl standing behind my parent's car. (This was in 1967.) I think it was a convertible Cadillac. I was a baby. I still wore diapers. I had a cloth one on. I think the disposable ones came out the next year.

Posted by A Southern Rose at 5:30 PM 6 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Cole...this is for you.
Last night, I received a call from my son Cole. He is living in Memphis,Tennessee right now, getting ready to start college. He called me to tell me that he had looked at my post about him when he was a baby and it made him get teary eyed. I couldn't believe that he used those exact words! LOL. Then he said something that really shocked me and touched my heart at the same time. He said "Mom, when I read your blog and saw all of those pictures of me it made me realize how much you love me and miss me." He also said that he didn't know that I loved him that much until he read my blog! That is the part that shocked me! I always thought that my kids knew how much I loved them! I try to show them everyday. Maybe he is just homesick. I reassured him and told him that I love him very much. This is a photo of Cole and Christy when she was 8 years old and he was only 2 months! He was already a charming little man! I dressed him in a little tuxedo outfit. All of the ladies in the store that day kept talking to him and wanting to hold him. I was so happy that he smiled. Christy looked like a little mama here. She was always like a little mama to Cole. They were and still are very close.

Posted by A Southern Rose at 6:32 PM 5 comments
My little treasures...
I was suppose to spend the day with my daughter and sister for a day of fun and shopping. I woke up not feeling too well so I decided to stay home. I really wanted to spend time with them. We plan to reschedule our outing soon. They understand when I have days like that. I'm not feeling too good this morning. I'm going to have to force myself to get ready for work. I wanted to show you a few things that I bought on one of my last thrifting days. I got this beautiful purse with roses on it at the Vendor's market for $2.00. That was a great price and I just had to have it. I already have the umbrella that matches. It was meant for me to go into Vendor's that day. It was just hanging there ready for me to see it! I love roses!

Do not look back
Posted by A Southern Rose at 6:44 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Garrett...my little sweet man
My sweet little boy is sick today with a stomach bug or maybe his sinuses. He got sick yesterday when he and his daddy were out running errands. He is with his daddy for the next few days. He is out of school for Spring Break this week. I was going through one of his scrapbooks and thought I would do a post of when he was a baby. Its hard to believe that he will be 8 years old in May! He was only 7 months old here. He was so adorable and he still is...

These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago at my work. He was going on a field trip the next day and I couldn't go with him because of my work schedule. I got him this digital camera (for kids) to take on his trip with him. He loves it. He took tons of pictures with it. He wanted to be able to show me things that he saw on his trip. They went to the National Museum of Science.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 11:44 AM 10 comments