Last month was my daughter's birthday. Her 28th. Christina Danielle. Amazing how fast these years have flown by. This post is for her. This was the first picture ever taken of us together. She was only a few hours old. One of the happiest days of my life.Here we are still in the hospital. She was 1 day old. I was almost 17.
Here she is with her daddy. We were both so young. He was 18.
First day at home with my beautiful daughter. She was 3 days old.
One of our Christmases at her grandparent's house. I remember it like yesterday.
My sweet little girl. Here she was at 2 years old.
Here she is at 3 years old.
I loved this outfit on her. All dressed for pre-school with her baby doll.
'Licking the bowl' at MaMaw's house. That's what we always called it.
Beautiful little girl.
Another Christmas...
So talented. She always loved to draw and color.
Christy and her little kitty. She always loved animals and still does.
One of her birthday parties that I had for her at McDonald's. I told her that she could only invite a few kids from school....and she invited about 30 or 40! She didn't want to leave anyone out.
Another birthday that we celebrated at home. She turned 9 that year.
She loved her barbies!
Here as a pre-teen with her same little friend.

Here as a teenager. 

Growing up so fast.

One of our fun times together. We were at a casino in the restroom. We thought it was so pretty that we had a lady take our picture in there.

So glad that we were always close and continue to get closer everyday.

Christy and her friends after trying out for the talent show at the fair.
Here she is with her little brothers. 
Sweet Teenager.
She has always been such a loving daughter.

My sweet little girl in her Senior portrait.

She fell in love....

With a good man....
Married him....

Married him....
Thanks for sharing the amazing transformation of your lovely daughter, very nice pictures.
Oh so precious...made me teary eyed! You look more like her sister than her momma though! :)
Time goes by way too fast...I wish sometimes I could just hold the hands of time, go back to when my boys were little just one more time. See, now I'm really crying!! Ok, changing the subject! Glad you liked my valentines decor...I have such a good time putting that kind of thing together. I too LOVE that wreath..I hope it never grows old! :)
Hope you have a wonderful week my friend!
Missy :)
Hi Sweet Friend,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR DEAR DAUGHTER! She is a doll and what a wonderful story through the years of her life in pics. You look like sisters and I can see how close you are. God bless you both always as you enjoy your wonderful family, friendship and closeness to each other.
Love to you,
Celestina Marie
Laurie Lee, Hi hadn't spoke to you in a bit, your post is just so touching and your daughter is so beautiful......with the music in all I feel tearful and have tingles. How cute! And your lil grandbaby......good to visit you!
What a very touching post, with the pictures music and all I feel tears coming.........what a beautiful young lady and grandbaby you have so lucky! Nice to see you again and stop by your place for a bit!
What an adorable post about your daughter... and Happy Birthday to her!!! You look more like sisters than Mother and Daughter! I wanted to thank you for stopping by our blog and for your sweet comments!
Blessings~~~ Daphne
Your Daughter Is Beautiful ! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Very beautiful Photos!
What a sweet post! You and your daughter are both very lovely and it is so nice to see how close you are to each other.!...Christine
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