I can hardly believe that it's been over a month since I've posted on here. December and January have been so busy for me. Things are starting to slow down a little and I am able to get a few things done around my little cottage. I've been working on my bedroom and master bathroom...still not finished with the bathroom. Doing it a little at a time and paying for it as I go. This picture is of a Tiffany lamp that I've had for about 16 years. I recently turned it into a table lamp to use on my dresser. It was a hanging lamp that I used in my dining room before I moved into my cottage. I found the base for it at a thrift shop for $12:00. I like it better this way.
Just a few of my favorite things on my dresser. 
I love perfume. Looks like I have a collection of it. I used a crystal dish to keep it all together. I think it looks pretty like this.
These are some prints that I bought years ago at market. They are signed and numbered from the artist Vicki Thomas. I framed them years ago when I had more of a formal decor. They were in storage and I ran across them the other day and decided to use them in my bedroom. They each have little children/fairies in them among the roses. 
I realize now that I added this one sideways. Oh well...Isn't it pretty?
I love this one. 
Here is one of them hanging on my wall. My daughter bought me the candle a couple of months ago as a 'happy'. It's scent is Mulberry. One of my favorites.
They all look so pretty grouped together.
I finally got around to painting my chest of drawers. I used a color called "Heirloom Lace" from Lowe's. I used it on all of my bedroom furniture. I love French Provincial furniture. Whenever I see it at thrift shops....my heart skips a beat. I try to figure out a place I can put just one more piece. My little cottage is getting full. :) 
The piece on top was made for me for Christmas from a friend of mine and his step-dad. It was made for my t.v. and my DVD player. It even has a little place for my remotes. I actually painted it right where it sits because that old t.v. is so heavy and me being short I couldn't reach it anyway to move it. :)

The piece on top was made for me for Christmas from a friend of mine and his step-dad. It was made for my t.v. and my DVD player. It even has a little place for my remotes. I actually painted it right where it sits because that old t.v. is so heavy and me being short I couldn't reach it anyway to move it. :)
This is a sweet little chair that I bought at a garage sale a while back. It was peach polished cotton. Remember when that was the style? I had it re-covered in a pretty soft ivory micro-fiber and cotton rose fabric that I bought at Walmart. I love it. My perfect reading spot. 
This is one of my Christmas presents...an electric fireplace. My ex-husband bought it for me. My room didn't have heat except for a small electric heater that took forever to warm up. I put my rose screen behind it. I think it looks pretty like this. Of course, after the 'new' wears off, I will probably paint it too. 
The 'thing' between my chest of drawers and fireplace is not a ghost. lol I put a tablecloth over my cable box and modem to hide them. lol I don't like seeing them or their wires. This is only temporary. I'm working on a little project today just for them. I'll post after I get it finished.
the dresser looks beautiful. i love french painted furniture!
Loveliness!!! All of it looks gorgeous Lee!! I was wondering when you were going to make it back, I just started back blogging and was actually thinking about you today!!! Hope your week has been wonderful!!!
Hi Sweetie,
I've missed you and your always sweet posts .. LoVe your cottage and all the pretty rooms .. Your bedroom looks soo pretty !! That furniture is beautiful, and has such a sweet, romantic, very feminine look to it !! Old furntiture is made soo much nicer than the newer .. it's look is soo classic .. The color you've painted with .. soo pretty ..
I always enjoy visiting you, and leave soo inspired, knowing you are happy and well is wonderful .. We are all just busy girlies .. huh ?! Thanks for sharing pretty, and FuN ~
Big HuGS ~TeA~ xo
You have been busy. Love the crystal tray. I started painting after 5 months off the blogging takes a lot of time, mercy do I have closets to clean..
You have been really busy!! Where do I start I love love love the dresser, adore the recored chair. And I know you did not ask my opinion but I would keep the fireplace just as it is a little contrast with dark here and there looks awesome in my opinion. How sweet of hubby to get you warmth for Christmas!! So glad to see you posting Love what you have done!!
Hi Lee Laurie,
What a gorgeous room you created and so cozy comfy.
Love your new painted piece and the addition of the T.V.
and DVD holder is awesome. Love your little chair too. You have such a good eye for the cottage style and displaying your pretties.
Always so sweet to visit you and I so enjoy your beautiful posts.
Thank you for stopping by. Hope you have a great week.
Blessings always dear friend.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Hey girly! So glad my baked apples brought back good memories for you. :) Isn't it amazing how sights, smells and sounds can make memories come rushing back? :)
Your home looks lovely...I can tell you take a lot of care making it look just right. :)
Have a great day my sweet friend!
Oh my...how pretty everything looks!!! You have created such a romantic setting with all of your beautiful pieces.
Girlfriend...your dresser is fabuloso! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
I'm so glad you stopped by my beautiful YOUNG LOOKING FRIEND! :) I always love to hear from you and want you to know your comments to me mean so much!
Love to you~
Nice place. Beautiful music.
I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.
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