I just talked to my son Cole this morning. He called me around 6:30. He was on his way home to his apartment after working all night at IHOP. I miss him. When he got to his apartment we instant messaged each other for a while until he got sleepy. I worry about him not getting enough sleep and eating right.
This is Cole and his girlfriend when they came down a couple of weeks ago. I took this picture of them when I took them out to lunch at the Mexican restaurant. I love the background...all the colors are beautiful. They look so sweet together. He tells me how much he loves her all of the time.

That same day, that night actually, my friend Stevie took us to eat supper at 'Sante Fe' steakhouse. I had to take a few pictures of course. 
We use to call her 'Renee' but Cole calls her by her first name so we do now too. It was getting too confusing. Her name is 'Shanna'. I like that. A pretty name for a pretty girl.

Have a great day!
I decided to go in and add a song to this post called 'Young Love'. My friend Tammy and I would sit for hours listening to Donny and Marie Osmond when we were kids. We both were in love with Donny! lol I bet when Cole hears this song,he is is gonna be like "Who is that and what kind of music is that?" lol,lol,lol!

We use to call her 'Renee' but Cole calls her by her first name so we do now too. It was getting too confusing. Her name is 'Shanna'. I like that. A pretty name for a pretty girl.

Our waiter took a picture of us all together. I was sad because I knew that they were leaving the next day. Cole is so happy though. You can see it in his eyes.

Young love...Where has the time gone? Seems like yesterday he was just a baby wanting all of my attention. I guess I'm missing my 'baby' Cole. I hope that he reads this and sees how much his mom loves him. 
Last night was my first day back at work and I was so exhausted when I got off! I had to go out to my daughter's house and get Garrett and when we got home, we went straight to bed. I can't believe how tired I was. I slept so good! I feel so rested today and I'm ready to get some things done around my cottage. It is so pretty outside so I will most likely be outside for most of the day. The sunshine feels so good.

Last night was my first day back at work and I was so exhausted when I got off! I had to go out to my daughter's house and get Garrett and when we got home, we went straight to bed. I can't believe how tired I was. I slept so good! I feel so rested today and I'm ready to get some things done around my cottage. It is so pretty outside so I will most likely be outside for most of the day. The sunshine feels so good.
Have a great day!
I decided to go in and add a song to this post called 'Young Love'. My friend Tammy and I would sit for hours listening to Donny and Marie Osmond when we were kids. We both were in love with Donny! lol I bet when Cole hears this song,he is is gonna be like "Who is that and what kind of music is that?" lol,lol,lol!
Soo sweet.. I know how you miss your older son not home all the time.. I soo enjoy when mine comes home to visit as well.. Thank God he lives close enough to come even just for dinner.. They will always be our babies..So happy your feeling better today.. Enjoy some sunshine sweetie.. hugs to you ~tea~xo
Hi Beautiful :)
I just got your son's word "oz" and had to return to tell him what a great response :)
Love your new post...I hear so much parental love, joy, pride and sadness...(but a sadness of longing)I know you miss him...but I can see too that his return signifies what you mean to him....
The person you are so proud of, has you to thank for the man he has become!
An absolutely beautiful couple they make. You, like myself, have a son who lives close enough to still enjoy into their own independence. I love when my son comes by to do his laundry... and eat me out of house and home, to play with the pups. Absolute joy.
Awww, they are an adorable couple and your son is quite the handsome one, what a proud Mama you must be!! Isn't it funny, but I seem to worry more now that my "baby" boy is out on his own. Sounds like I'm not alone (wink wink). Hope your day is beautiful.
♥ Teresa
thought I 'd drop by as you suggested, so here I am.I have a bit of an idea how you must be feeling with your son leaving home. When my eldest daughter left home at 16 Agh!!( she only moved around the corner LOL)I was devastated. I remember someone said to me don't worry they'll leave home 3 times before they really leave home permanently. well they were right with my eldest for sure. she finally moved out at 19. However the 2nd girl left to go to an island to work straight after finishing her schooling and soon after unexpectedly the 3rd girl(my husbands child) decided she didn't want to be here without the other girls and went to live with her mum. I helped raise her like she was my own fulltime since she was 7 and she left at 14. No one understood what i went through when she left, i was soooo sad, angry and a heap of other emotions all rolled into one. So scary, I had fulltime employment then too yet I didn't have enough to keep my mind of things. I'm better now, they all appear to be very happy and I my husband and I have rediscovered each other, things are good.I keep telling myself that I have done a good job raising these girls to grow up into independent young ladies.
Your son looks like a very mature young man with a beautiful young lady by his side.I'm sure you must be very proud of him.
Hi Lee
me again
fancy having the same birthday, what did you get? I love the roses in your garden too they are gorgeous.
Hi Lee Laurie
Your son and his girlfriend are too cute! Isn't it wonderful tohave kids to be proud of!
Hope you have a great day today
Hugs, Rhondi
Ole Cole......he is wanting to grow up so fast....we do worry about him more than before. He needs to know that we are here for him and Shanna.
It was good to have them come down and visit. We got to know Shanna a little bit more. They are so young.
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