Today is my birthday. (43 years ) Where has the time gone? I remember when I was a kid , 30 was old and 43 was really old. The more birthdays I had the farther away the 'old' numbers became. Now I think 80 is the new 'old'. LOL I wanted to show a few old pictures of me growing up. I had some of my 1st birthday but I couldn't find them and I'm too tired to look for them. I will post them next year. This top picture is of my momma and daddy and me. My mom was 'expecting' my little brother. I was around 2 and a half.

This one above is me at around 1 or 2. Mom says the picture was taken at J.C. Penny's. They weighed me first and they charged 'a penny a pound' to take the picture. I will have to ask her how much it cost. That was a neat marketing idea! I don't know why my parents only got this one picture. The packet must have cost too much. They were both so young when they got married. Mom was 15 and daddy was 18, almost 19. She was 16 when I was born and daddy was 20.

Me and momma when I was around 7 years old. We were at a festival in our hometown. It was the 73rd birthday of our town. We all had to dress up 'old fashioned'. I loved my little dress, it was yellow and had a red satin ribbon around the waist. We were outside in the center of the street...they had set up chairs and we were singing gospel songs.

Me, Mom, and Christy one Christmas at Mom's house. Christy was around 2 years old here. I think it was in 1985. Her little dress was black velvet with a pink satin ribbon around the waist.

Me and my little sister, Melinda. This was taken just a few months ago. I had to stretch my arm out and take it myself. We had a girl's day out that day. We had a really good time. We need to do it again one day soon.
I had a nice birthday. I went out to my daughter and son -in -law's house this morning and she baked me a strawberry birthday cake. They got me a pretty plate that has a verse about mothers on it. It is so pretty. My baby, Garrett got me a movie, some p.j.'s and a tote bag with little hearts all over it. I haven't heard from Cole today. He is back in Tennessee. My friend Stevie brought me supper tonight. I haven't had much of an appetite for the last couple of weeks. I had to force myself to eat a baked potato. My mom called me this morning and my Aunt Jenny and my sister. Tonight my ex-mother in law called me and also my daddy.

I had a nice birthday. I went out to my daughter and son -in -law's house this morning and she baked me a strawberry birthday cake. They got me a pretty plate that has a verse about mothers on it. It is so pretty. My baby, Garrett got me a movie, some p.j.'s and a tote bag with little hearts all over it. I haven't heard from Cole today. He is back in Tennessee. My friend Stevie brought me supper tonight. I haven't had much of an appetite for the last couple of weeks. I had to force myself to eat a baked potato. My mom called me this morning and my Aunt Jenny and my sister. Tonight my ex-mother in law called me and also my daddy.
Well...I haven't posted in a few days because I just haven't been feeling well. I went to my doctor on Thursday and got my results back. I am going into the hospital this coming Tuesday to have a heart catherization done and he might have to put in a stint. Right now, I'm still kind of in shock about the news because I didn't expect that. He said that the Chemical stress test that I did came back abnormal and part of my heart is not functioning like it should. That explains why I'm so exhausted all of the time. All I want to do is sleep. He says that after he does this, I will feel like a new person. Me legs might even stop hurting as bad. That would be great! I'm so glad that they finally found out what is wrong with me. Now I can get better and have a normal life again.
Happy Birthday sweet Lee,
Sounds like you had a special day.. With loved ones.. What more could you ask for.. So sorry to hear your Dr. news.. I'm sure like you said, a blessing to know what's wrong, and now with the Lords' hand on Drs' hand, you will be mended.. Know I'm praying for you, and wishing you well.. Have a blessed Easter Lee, and many blessings to come.. I know.. hugs to you, ~tea~xo
Happy Birthday my dear friend. I will be saying my prayers for you for healing and strength. I'm sorry to hear of your surgery but at the same time, I am praying it will help you feel whole again. I know the fear you must be feeling but in God's hands you will find comfort.
Happy Birthday Lee Laurie,
I pray the surgery goes well and that you will feel much better.
Hoping you are having a wonderful Easter.
Dear Lee...
Happy Birthday a little late my friend. I sooooo hope you had a wonderful time celebrating your life!
I'm sooo sorry you aren't feeling well and you have to go through ANY KIND of medical tests/surgery. You will be in my prayers! Trusting our loving Lord to pull you safely through this storm.
You bless me...did you know that?
Love, Rebecca
I hated to hear about your bad news,but at the same time Im glad to know that maybe after all of this , you will be back to your normal self. I hate that you always feel bad. Steven and I put your name on the prayer list at church, and we have also been saying our own prayers for you.You are going to be fine. You know I will be there for you in the morning. C U SOON!!! Love, Melinda
"happy Birthday" I just found your blog. And I really enjoyed it. I had my daughter a month after I turned 16. That was in 1972. It was nice to meet you. Please stop by sometime. ~~Terrie~~
Firstly, Happy Birthday Beautiful Lady !!! Love all of your pictures. Your mom looked so young and sweet. :) Sounds like you were spoiled by those who matter today :) Good for you !! I had to do the 43 year old thing too this year :) lol !! I am praying for your surgery right after I finish writing. I had an angeogram once which is really similar, only they are just looking, not adding anything, it turned out normal, but it is a real quick and easy procedure to put the stint in and you WILL feel so much better, No worries, k ? They do this lots every day, plus with Prayers, you are covered. I hope that you have someone to stay with you for a day or so, to pamper you some. :) Please let us know when you are able to , how you are feeling. :)
Happy Belated Birthday wishes, and so glad you visited my blog yesterday. So sorry to hear that you're under the weather. Prayers for you are being lifted up.
♥ Teresa
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