What would I do without my mama? My mama has been with me the last couple of days taking care of me and cleaning my little cottage for me. I was able to come home from the hospital on Tuesday afternoon. I slept all day and night. My heart cath came out fine and the doctor did not have to put in a stint. All they are doing now is changing my heart medicine and other medicines. I believe with all of my heart that God made it turn out this way. The doctor said that the chemical stress test has a 10% chance of being wrong and that I fit into that bracket.
I prayed and prayed that I would be fine and I know several other people did and I believe that He answers prayers! I was even praying when I closed my eyes after they gave me the anesthesia.
Mom and I don't see each other that much. She lives in Louisiana and we both stay so busy. However, when we need each other we are always there for one another. She has been such a blessing to me. She went home today and I hated to see her leave. We were able to spend some special quality time together. She even looked at my blog and a few other 'special' ones to me. She loves it! Now she wants one! She doesn't have Internet where she lives. One of the funniest things that she did was...she saw where someone had left me a comment that started off with...OMG. She was so funny. She was trying to sound it out. OOOMMMG. I said "Mom, that stands for Oh My Goodness. She was like...'o.k.' Anyway later that night she came into my bedroom and said...OMG, I've got to cook supper for you too?! She was so funny! She asked me what I wanted for supper...and I was starving! That anesthesia always makes me starving! I told her that since my blood vessels were all clean, I wanted my favorite thing that she always cooked for us when we were growing up. ( Fried pork chops and rice and gravy.) That is what she fixed for me. It was so delicious! That was a celebration supper, I wont be doing that again for a long time. I am going to be eating healthy from here on out . I also plan to exercise more because my 'good' cholesterol is low. My doctor says that exercise and diet will help that. 
I know that I've rambled on here tonight, I'm just so excited! God is good!
Thanks to everyone that called and came and checked on me and thank all of you who prayed for me. Thank you Phillip, Christy, and Melinda for praying with me out in the hallway before I went in. I will never forget this. I love all of y'all. Daddy, mama, Christy, Phillip, Lauren, Melinda, Aunt Jenny, Angie, Nanny, Wanda, Carla, and Stevie. All of you mean so much to me.
Um Lee, which one is momma? *wink*
I'm so happy that your home and well. It can be very scary going under for any reason let alone a heart. After 18 surgeries, it is still hard.
God is good and i'm slowly learning how good even when we feel bad. He comes through with lessons to be learned by each and every one of us. I've learned to pray for strangers and glee when they come through whatever it may be they are going through.
Take it easy and do little for awhile. Spoil your body if not yourself. Have tea and a good magazine!
So glad that you are home and that it went well :) I knew you would be ok. :) Although I know how scary it is when they wheel you off down the hall. What a wonderful Blessing that your Mom was there to take care of you afterwords :) And it sounds like you had a nice time with her :) I raised my good cholesterol by eating lots of sunflower seeds, avocados, orange juice and oatmeal. Lots of fat in the first two, but if you are having seeds or avocado on salads and replacing meat, it is OK and offers lots of protein as well. Of course, there is that Nasty exercising that raises good cholesterol, lol !! But who wants to do that ? lol !! Well, Prayers definitely answered here my friend !!! Yippeee !!! :) Hugs :)
Dear Lee...
I'm so thankful you are OK and that your Momma was there by your side! What a blessing!
Know you've been in my every thought. God is good and greatly to be praised!
Rejoicing with you for good health and complete wellness!
Love, Rebecca
God is good! I am happy that Ms Judy was there for you. I know that she did A LOT around the house. I think the time that y'all spent together helped you feel better. It was also nice for me to visit with her some.
Let's start walking!!
Prayers & good wishes come your way, may you have a blessed day.
TTFN ~ Marydon
So glad that everything turned out well for you and you didn't have to have the stent. Enjoy a relaxing peaceful Saturday!
♥ Teresa
I am just catching up on blogs and had to go back and read some of your earlier posts. I am so glad that God is taking care of you, and your sweet mother too! How wonderful that you have a mom who cares for you like that:>)
OH :) :) can I rejoice with you!!!
And praise His name that you finding His blessings in a myriad of ways in a myriad of things..
Continually in prayer for you! :)
Just a little note Lee to let you know I'm hoping your feeling better, and more like yourself.. Thank God for our Mommas' ... God is sooo Good, and watches out for us all !! I hope you're feeling His presence in your life this very day.. Chat more soon.. hugs ~tea~
YEAH!! I'm so glad your home safe and sound!! There is nothing like having our Moms there to take care of us(;
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