One day, I was out 'junkin' and I came across this brown owl. I've never really been a fan of owls....not sure why. However, owls are really popular right now. Kind-of trendy. I even bought a few snow owls for my Christmas tree this past Christmas. Anyway, I decided to take him home and give him a make-over. This is the BEFORE...
This is after I gave him a coat of white paint. I didn't know that I would have to bake him in the oven to 'set' the paint until after I painted him. This is after he came out of the oven. He looks so much better!


And AFTER.....What do you think? Now he is 'shabby chic'. A cheap make-over. He cost $3.00 and the paint was $2.00. I posted him on facebook and my daughter claimed him. lol Smile on my daughter's face....priceless.
This is my project for March. My new king-size headboard. I am so excited to get this one done. I started it a few days ago. It's gonna be so pretty!

This is my project for March. My new king-size headboard. I am so excited to get this one done. I started it a few days ago. It's gonna be so pretty!
That bed is going to be bea-u-ti-ful!
Have fun!
Lovely blog! Just wanted to let you know I'm a new follower!
Anne ♥♥ (Love the owl makeover!)
Hi darling! Your owl is simply lovely! I like owls but not a big fan of the 70's colors! Blah! I think you did an outstanding job!
Love ya!
Hi Lee Laurie, Oh your shabby white owl is darling. I know your daughter is thrilled. What a great find. Love your new bedframe. It is going to be gorgeous when complete.
Wishing you a Happy Spring.
XO Celestina Marie
Love the owl with your make over on him...I would never have thought to put him in the oven! And that bed!! It is going to be STUNNING! All that detail! I cannot wait to see it!!
Lou Cinda :)
I can not wait to see the finished bed headboard!!! It is going to be beyond gorgeous!!! :)
PS. I love, love that Fernando Ortega song Give Me Jesus! Karl, my husband, plays that a lot on our stereo here!
Wait a minute, I did not know you could set paint on ceramic by baking it! I have kind of shied away from painting ceramic because the paint did not stick well....Do tell us more about that! The headboard will be great...Hope you have a big oven LOL! I love the owl, anything white. Sorry you could not find the follow gadget, it is on the left side half way down....Of course you know blogger, sometimes it disappears!
LOVE how paint can totally transform the look of something! That bed is going to be gorgeous!!
I like your blog,and I like the owl more after you painted him.And I can't wait for your new posts! :))
The owl looks amazing white!!! What are you doing with the headboard!!??
I love it!
Have a pretty day!
Hi Lee Laurie,
Lovely to visit your post again. So nice to have you visit and thank you for taking the time to leave a sweet comment. How have you been? Hope doing well and enjoying spring. Did you have a nice Easter.
Take good care and blessings to you and your hubby.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Hey sweet girl! I wonder why you haven't been able to see my blog! Blogger can be weird, so it's probably something to do with them. I hope that's not happening to other readers! :-o
My tea towels are so pretty..I love them! I really loved the story with my hubby, I love it when God speaks to us like that! :)
Your owl turned out funny your daughter claimed him! lol I can't wait to see how your headboard turns out..I bet it's gonna be great! My window seat is really coming along too...did you see any of my posts on it? I'll be doing another one in a day or's getting there! I have a TON of sewing to do, but it's gonna be slow going, I have a lot of other things going on around here right now too. Oh'll get there eventually! :)
I'm so glad you can see my blog again...I would miss you if I didn't see your face! :)
Love the owl--you linky to a mirror didn't work?? Not sure what is up.
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