It's been a while 'again' since I've posted. This summer has been so busy for us. And talking about HOT! I'm ready for Fall. We have had some good times with family and friends this summer. These pictures were taken at Stevie's mom's house. We were all sittin' out on the patio and it was so hot.
Stevie's mom...everyone calls her Kaki. She is such a sweet lady. You can tell she really loves her "Mississippi" with her tee-shirt.
Stevie's brother in law...Don and his step-dad...Papa John. 
Stevie's niece Shannon and me looking at pictures on my phone. I have about 1200 on my phone. lol I really need to do something about that. 
Stevie's sister...Terry and his great niece...Julianna. Shannon's daughter.
Me and Kaki. I had my fly swatter ready! I hate bugs!
Terry and Don. Having a good time.
Me and Shannon. She is so funny! She had us all crackin' up!
Papa John and Kaki. Don't they look cute? Papa John is a character! You can probably tell just by seeing this picture.
Me and Kaki. 
I had to throw in my next project. This old dresser was here when I bought my cottage. It's very ugly that's why it has been hidden in my closet this whole time. It's in the same spot that it was in when I bought this place. Too heavy to move. It's solid wood. soon as my back gets better, it's getting a 'paint job'. Gonna paint it Navy blue for my son's room. 
Looks like everyone was enjoying the time together! I love it when people share family time pictures. Your's are wonderful!!!
Hope you get good reports on the MRI.
You are so photogenic. I hope they discover what needs to happen to make your pain go away. Pain is no fun at all.
Can't wait to see your dresser makeover.
The lazy days of Summer. It looks like you had a nice time, even if it was hot. We have yet to really sustain warm Summer weather here. I need some heat! It's what makes me look forward to Fall. I wish you good luck with your test and hope you will soon be back in painting form!
Great pictures. Looks like everyone was having a great time. We really need to get together soon. I know Garrett already started school, but maybe we can get together this weekend. My schedule will get crazy when all 3 of mine start with school,football, dance, and homework. Oh yeah, I can do without the jambalaya song lol...
It sounds like you guys have spent the summer visiting family.
I hope you have get some health answers soon. Pain is not good!!!
Hey girlie! Glad my lightnin' bug story brought back such good memories for you. I used to put my lightnin' bugs in a mason jar too...those were the days! Oh, to be little again. :)
Hope you have a great week!
Missy look soooo young girly! OH MY GOSH! Like a GIRL! :) was soo good to hear from you! I just uploaded PART II of the Chair Makeover Tutorial. Tomorrow I hope to do PART III (man...I'm beat!). I'm so excited to see what you do with your stuff! It's all WORK but so worth it in the end!
Soooo happy to see you again! Love to you~
Hi Lee,
Sooo wonderful to hear from you .. I KNOW we've ALL been crazy busy !! My son starts school next Wednesday, BUT, has already been soo busy with football ..
Love all your sweet porch pictures !! There is something about the good ole' south that yanks at my heart strings !! I hope to be able to get to Louisiana before to long, to see my family there .. you might just have to give me a tour !! They really want to get me to a Saints game !! they are BiG time Saint fans, and think I need to get to one of their games !! That would be sooo FuN tho !!
Hoping you all have adjusted to your school schedule, and thank God he loves school .. makes our life soo much easier when they do good !!
Take care sweet one, and have a happpy rest of your week ~
Big HuGs ~TeA~ xo
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