A couple of weeks ago we went to Blue Bayou in Baton Rouge, La. My sister and her family live in Kentwood, La. We decided to go down to their house and spend the night and get up really early and go before the crowd got there. This is Garrett (my little boy) and Chase, my sister's little boy. (They are exactly 3 weeks apart.) They ended up sleeping in the den...what little sleep they got. lol They stayed up half the night! They love spending time together. It's hard to believe that they are already 9 years old.
This is one of the big water slides...one that I DID NOT get on. Way too scary. I did go down a couple though. We stayed at the water park side all day and went to the amusement park later that afternoon.
Garrett sliding down the big slides. He had a blast! You see that black and white water slide to the left? They talked me into riding it. NEVER AGAIN! lol
Stevie riding the bumper cars. 
Garrett loved this one too. He kept slamming into me!
Me and my little man on the swings. I wasn't going to put any pictures of me...you know...no make up. lol But Garrett said that he wanted this one on here. It had been years since I'd gotten on the swings. It was fun.
He started getting tired so he decided to ride the carousel to rest. He picked the one with roses for me. I didn't tell him to either. That was so sweet. He knows that I love roses.
Stevie and his daughter Hailey. Can you tell that she got a 'little' sun? This was taken on the Ferris wheel and I was so nervous taking this picture because I don't like heights at all.
Hi Lee,
What a wonderful week-end you had !! don't you just LoVe summer !! What memories we create !! I would NeVer go down that BiG slide .. Yikers !! It always made me soo nervous watching my kids do things that Momma was afraid of !! I kinda just had to close my eyes and act like I really didn't know what they were doing !! hahaha ..
Happy to see you all having such a wonderful time !! Take care sweet one, and have a happy week ~
HuGs ~TeA~ xo
That looks like a great time! I haven't been to an amusement park in years.
That looked like SO much fun! I don't mind water slides as long as it's not too deep at the end...I sink much better than I float! :)
I think the carousel is more my speed! lol I do like ferris wheels though, I have to admit that...and I'm not crazy about heights either. Just something about being so high up in the air and being able to see it all. :)
You really should try the freezer jam recipe! It is SO SO easy, I wish I had done it years ago. (but then I'd weigh more than I already do! lol) :) I smile every time I open my freezer and see my pretty little jars all in a row in the door with my jam just waiting for me! :-)
Hope you have a great "rest of the week"! Talk to you later!
That looks like so much fun, I haven't been to a amusement park in such a long time, thanks for sharing!!! I wanted to thank you for visiting our blog and joining as a follower, I tried to join here as a follower and it wouln't let me, I will try again a little later!!! Blessings~~~ Daphne
It looks like lots of fun, but tiring too! I remember being a kid and going to these kinds of amusement parks. They hold many happy memories. I'm sure your son will always remember them too!
They are such cute boys.. Stevie and Garret look like they are having the time of their lives. Children grow up so fast enjoy them..
Wonderful summer vacation memories in the making!!!!
We did a little of that this summer too!
Lots of smiles!!!
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
What a fun time you had!!! I thik we are going to go to Cedar Point this year .
Have a pretty day!
You had a blast! We just did this with our kid-lings about the same time you did ... I love being a kid a couple times a year.
Have a beautiful week, LL.
Don't miss our giveaway ~
Have a beautiful summer's eve ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
We use to live near there. We drove by it all the time on the way to the outlets in Gonzales. Glad you had such a great trip!
Now this wore me out just looking at it!! I don't know if I could spend the whole day at a water place and then do the amusements...there is something about sun and water that tires me---a nice relaxing tiring, however.
It looks like you all had such a fun family time!
We did have a blast. Im so glad we got the chance to spend some time together. We made a day of it:)
You really did have a busy Summer.
I live in Maine and last Summer we only had 3-4 days in the high eighty, this year we had a Hot summer almost 90 a few days.
Such great photo's and a lovely family.. yvonne
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