Yesterday after I got off from work, I decided to take a walk outside in my yard with Stevie and my dogs. Rosie is an inside puppy and whenever she gets a chance to go outside...well she runs around like crazy! She loves it. I have to watch her closely with the big dogs...they wouldn't hurt her on purpose but they might step on her by accident. It was such a pretty day today and being stuck inside at work was not fun at all. My plum trees are blooming and I can almost taste those green plums! Spring is here! I only like them green or just slightly yellow. Yummy!
This is my friend Stevie and Black Dog. 
Me and Rosie. She just couldn't wait to get back down and play with the big dogs! She thinks that she is just as big as they are! She's tuff like me! Not scared of nothin'.
Me and Bear and Rosie. Bear loves me. He follows my every step. In another month or so it will be time for me to cut his hair off again. That's a chore but he's really good about letting me do it.
My sweet Black Dog. He is getting on up in the years.
I tried to get them all to pose for the picture together but that proved to be impossible. lol
Look at that face. Black Dog is one of the sweetest dogs that I have ever had.
My Teddy Bear...
Black Dog loves Stevie. He thinks he is a lap dog. He always wants him to hold him.
Today was my day off and I had planned to go with my daughter and her hubby to take my grandson to the zoo...but my body had other plans. I've been in bed most of the day with fibro pain. I've tried to feel better and even took pain medicine and nothing is working. It's so pretty outside....maybe I will feel better if I go out and sit on the porch and get some fresh air.
It looks like you had lots of fun outside with the dogs! They are all so cute! The tree is beautiful, all the flowering trees are so gorgeous this time of year.
I hope your fibro pain doesn't stay around too long and you can soon make that trip to the zoo! Take care.
So sory to hear you are in pain today. The flowering tree is beautiful and I can't wait until we see some signs of spring in our neck of the woods. What sweet dogs you have and I know what good company they are. Have a better day soon. Stella
What wonderful photos! That one shot of Black Dog with his nose sticking up is just adorable. . . makes me want to give him a big kiss. I am such a sucker for a cute doggie. . . .
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