Hello everyone. I'm linking this post to 'Show and Tell Friday' with Cindy at "My Romantic Home". Please go by there and see all of the other links. It's a great way to meet so many wonderful bloggers and share ideas.
I'm so glad that Spring is here. This is one of my favorite seasons. I thought I would share with you a few of my Easter displays in my cottage. This little metal wall sign, I have hanging in my bedroom. I keep it out all year long. When I wake up in the mornings, I look over at it and it reminds me to have 'faith' that the day will be a beautiful one and that there is nothing that I can't handle with Jesus by my side. I have it hanging above one of my favorite pictures. The only Thomas Kincaid that I have. It's called "Forrest Chapel". A little chapel in the woods...I could just picture going to church there Easter morning. After church having 'dinner on the ground'. We use to do that in our church when I was a little girl. We actually would lay out a quilt on the ground and have our lunch outside in the fresh air. I love those memories. 

great grandpa (Papaw) would get his daughter, my great Aunt to take me to get an Easter dress. I looked so forward to this every year! We really didn't get to get new clothes through out the year. We were given hand me downs and that's about it. Easter was a special time at my grandparents' house. Papaw believed that every little girl needed a new dress for Easter. My Aunt would take me to the old J.C.Penny's downtown and I would try on several until I found the perfect one. I love this memory and I will always cherish it.
This display is on my hutch in the dining room. I thought my wooden cross would be perfect for this spot. Jesus is the reason that we have an Easter. 
My little Easter glitter houses on top of my piano. I finally got my piano out of storage last week. It had been in storage for 3 years! I'll do a post on that later.
I plan on re-painting it soon. That's gonna be a job.
Dishes in my 'shabby white' hutch. I love the colors.
My bunny cookie jar. Garrett and I will have to bake some Easter cookies soon to fill it up.
AAAhhh Sweet post from a sweet girlie ... LoVe all your Easter, just beautiful, and Lee, that piano is gorgeous !! I want to see the whole piece !! Absolutely stunning, it's already white, I can't imagine having to repaint that .. Always sweet to visit you my friend .. you make me smile,and warm my heart ~
hugs for you
I love all of your Easter decor. It's so nice.
Isn't it fun to remember Easter as a child. :)
It sounds like you have some wonderful Easter memories. Your Pawpaw sounds like quite a man! I think it would be fun to eat a picnic after church! The weather here would be VERY iffy though! Love the bunny cookie jar and the little pastel houses!
Hi Lee Laurie,
I love your Easter and Spring displays. The TK pic is one of my favorites too.
Love your piano with the glitter cottages. So glad you got your piano out of storage. I am thinking of painting mine light ivory. It needs tuned now too. I have had it since I was in the 4th grade.
Love the story about the Easter dress. That is an M&M (memory maker)
Hope you and yours have a special Easter.
Love, Celestina Marie
Lovely! Hope all is well in your corner of the world, looks like you have had fun decorating for Easter.
Donna Lynn
Your Easter decorations are so pretty!!
Cheri from Its So Very Cheri--
I am trying to get through all of my old follower list and contact everyone letting them know --begging--asking PRETTY PLEASE , if you haven't come over to RESIGN up to follow me at the new site please do so my followers didn't get to go with me--Google swipes your followers--\
Cheri www.itssoverycheri.com
Gorgeous Easter treasures! Wishing you a wonderful Easter!
I love your Easter post and the piano is beautiful, it looks good white. Can't wait to see what you do with it. Blessing for Easter, Vicky
I did enjoy your pretty vingettes! Those Easter glitter houses are sooooo cute!
Wow, painting a piano - I can only imagine what a hard job that is!
Your post brought back memories for me of when I was a young girl and we would go buy our Easter Dress. We would also get a hat, gloves and a little purse. I loved doing that and always felt so pretty on Easter.
All your items you shared are so pretty. Your piano is lovely!
Hi Lee Laurie,
I could view your pretties over and over and always feel inspired. Hope you had the perfect Easter and got to fill the bunny cookie jar with cookies and do all the things that bring back special memories for you and yours.
Thank you for stopping by and your kind words. You are always so encouraging and it blesses me so much!
Love to you, Celestina Marie
p.s. yes, that was a vintage lunch pail, like the kind our daddies would carry to work!
Our Joshua's bday is April 11, also, LL. TY for coming over to follow our blog ... I've missed you.
Your collections are wonderful! I love viewing everyone's bun-bun's.
Hope you had a lovely Easter.
Have a beautiful week.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Dear Lee Laurie,
I hope you had a lovely Easter.
Your Spring decorations are beautiful!
I wish it hadn't been raining here, I would love to have had Easter Brunch "on the ground"! Fun...
You Easter accessories are beautiful and thank you for sharing your Easter memories with us. Are you in MS? The MS Southern Magnolia Belles are having a get together on June 5th. I have the announcement on my blog. Please come take a look when you have a chance. I am hoping you could join us....Christine
I remember the JC Penny days to go and buy Easter clothes! I love your piano, oh the house are wonderful. I love all tea sets! Come join me for Tea Time Tuesday! I would love to have you!
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