I hope everyone had a Happy Valentine's Day. I thought I would share a few pictures of me and my valentines. My children. I love them so much. I had to work the whole week-end and I didn't get to see Christy or Cole. I will be mailing Cole's valentine box today. ( I know, it's late...that's normal for me.) Hopefully I will be seeing Christy tomorrow and be able to give her valentine goodies to her. I was able to spend a little time with Garrett before going in to work. Valentine's Day is a busy day for us at work. This is me and Garrett. An old picture...from Christmas. Isn't he precious?

Looking at this picture reminds me that I never did a post about my china cabinet being finished. I just have to scrape the paint off the glass where I was a little sloppy. If you click on the picture to enlarge it, you will see that! I need to fix that! Maybe tonight. I'm so glad that I have my computer back! Gotta go to work now.
Love y'all,
Love y'all,
Oh, how enjoyable to see all the smiles...and all the love..:) Family is such a great gift...isn't it?
To see you there, loving them and them in turn loving you...:) That makes the best post!
Good luck on your cabinet :) :)
What a simply beautiful family!
It's obvious that you sure love your children. They are darling. I worked on weekends when my children were smaller. Sometimes it was pretty tough, but children understand.
You have a beautiful family. You don't look old enough to be a grandmother.
Such sweet pictures of your beautiful children .. Yes, they are our Valentines' forever !! What more could a Momma want or need ?! Hoping all is well with you, and your week a goo, warm one !! Take care sweet friend ~
hugs ~tea~xo
Chocolate monopoly sounds good to me.
wanna see my grand loves? :)
You have a beautiful family, what a blessing they all must be to you!
You are so lucky to have such a wonderful family - and aren't they lucky to have you!
You know you look too young to be a grandma! Thanks for entering my giveaway. Love Ya!
You look too young to be a grandma. Thanks for entering my giveaway. Love ya!
Hi Lee Laurie,
What a lovely family you have. Garrett is one cutie patootie! I just wanted to stop by and say hello and to thank you for your sweet comment. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs and Smiles,
Such lovely photos of you and the kids. I wasn't able to see my grandkids either on Valentines weekend.I think my daughter is coming for a visit this weekend and she will have the kids. It's hard when they have to be shared between parents.
You look like of the kids, so pretty and happy.
Take care and enjoy your weekend,
Hugs, Elizabeth
Cute valentines, all! Your children and grandchildren will always have memories of how special you made them feel.
I enjoyed seeing your sweet pictures of you and your family. Chocolate Monopoloy! That sounds fun and I'm sure tasty too. I did enlarge that last photo. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished china cabinet (you know I love china)!
Wonderful pictures of Christy and Cole and you!
Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog! I have a Cole as well! I have 3 children, girl/boy twins, Callie and Cole and Peyton a sassy almost 8 year old girl! You look tooo young to be a nana for sure...you are lovely obviously inside and out!
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