Well...I've seen so many blogs today with 'snow' pictures that I thought I'd better put a few on mine. It started snowing last night and its still coming down. I took Rosie outside to see it and to play. She had never seen snow before and at first she was a little bit afraid of it. She didn't stay that way for long! She ran all over the yard! She looked like a little 'Tasmanian devil' running in the snow. I think that we had about 4 or 5 inches at the time of this post. That is rare in our part of the woods in Summit, Mississippi. Garrett grabbed her because she was getting too close to the road. She didn't like that at all. She wanted to play some more.

This picture was taken after she was put on the porch for getting too close to the road so many times. She was begging 'Bear' to help her get off the porch. I love this picture. The size difference between them is HUGE!

Okay...just a little more fun. 'Bear' is helping to watch over her. This is the front of my cottage. It still needs so much work done on it. However it does look pretty in the snow. Snow makes everything prettier!

Hi LL,
Beautiful, LoVely snow pictures !! It's cute to see everyone bundled up so warm .. puppy love too .. Tomorrow is going to be near 80 .. I'm thrilled .. the sunshine makes me feel so happy, and warm .. I'm very ready for Spring ..Summer can get too HoT !! So I'm a Spring girl !! Stay warm sweet one, and have a wonderful Valentines week-end ~
hugs ~tea~xo
Fun Snow Day!! Love the last picture of your little doggie in its sweater! (came from Pamela's linky snow party)
How cute. Your doggie is so tiny. My dog's first snow too.
Ok the dog looks frigid LOL!!~ It is great we are all getting snow.....I hear the only place not with snowfall is Hawaii!!~ Come and check out SC...it is gorgeous!!~
Looks like everybody had a blast in all that SNOW! Found you over at Pamela's party:)
Thanx so much for sharing and linking up! It looks like ya'll had soo much fun!
She's so adorable! Poor thing wanted to play some more like all the kids! She looks mighty cozy back inside though. Happy Valentine's and have a great weekend!
oh i needed a warm fuzzy heart moment...and i got one and then some!
the puppies are too cute, big and small!...lol
How pretty! It snowed where we live in MS too and I missed it b/c I am in FL...Christine
Hello Lee Laurie! So nice to meet you! I have had such a nice time perusing many of your posts and getting to know you and your sweet family a bit. Lovely place you have here!
Thank you for stopping by my place and becoming a follower!
Kindly, ldh
Your little Rosey is the cutest thing. The snow is sometimes a pain, but always beautiful. I adore that picture with your sweet ones and their 'masterpiece'.
Thank you so much for coming by.
Hi Lee:) Oh our girls would love to play in that much snow!! Your little dog is just gorgeous:) Enjoy the snow for us readers over here in Australia:) ~ Tina x
What cute fur babies! It looks like a fun day for everyone! Love the little doggie tee-shirt! My staff won't wear outfits! lol Happy V Day!...Debbie
Beautiful Pictures.....Happy VAlentine's DAy....Hope you are having a wonderful day!!!!
Mo :-)
Hi Lee,
Oh what wonderful snow pics. Your little pups are adorable. I love the snowman pic with the kids. Your snow was as unreal as ours. Can you believe it. We got 12.5 inches for our area.
Your cottage is so pretty, snow or not it is gorgeous.
Thank you for stopping by. So nice to see you.
Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day.
Hugs and blessings,
Celestina Marie
Hi Lee Laurie, your pictures are so sweet. Just totally charming!
Barb ♥
Sleeping with the windows open here...
HATE IT! It's Feb for Pete's sake! And that pup is BEYOND precious!
m ^..^
Um...Bear looks like he had plans for that snowman...yep!
I do love snow. How I would like it to snow here...but it is all up in the mountains! We are having rain here this evening...so tomorrow the mountains should be just beautiful...I hope. We have had a drought for so long now...we really need the snow and rain!
Beautiful. Nothing like children and pets in snow...:) makes me smile!
Your blog is lovely!
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