We had a fun "girl's day out" day last week. It was so much fun. Me, my sister, my daughter, and my Mom. We decided to do it kind-of spur of the moment, at least for us anyway. We usually have to plan way in advance because of everyone's schedule. It just kind of worked out easy this time. Initially it was only going to be three of us and than my sister text ed me that morning and said that mama wanted to go too. I was so glad that she wanted to go! The picture below was taken of my sister and me at the Starbucks cafe inside of Target. We thought the background was so perfect for a picture. I'm glad that I decided to wear a little make-up that day. It was going to be just a bummin' kind -of day...that's my bummin' jeans. I should've know someone would be pulling out a camera!
My sweet daughter, Christy. I love this picture of her. This was taken at Brady's restaurant in Hammond, La. My sister and I love that place and since Mom and Christy had never been there , we thought it would be a great place to take them. None of us were disappointed at all. The food was delicious and they give you so much! I didn't have my camera and I forgot that I could take pictures with my iPhone. I wish I would've taken pictures of our food for my blog. When I thought about using my phone...the food didn't look good anymore. LOL 
Me and Christy...after eating. We were stuffed! I ordered fried shrimp, which is a 'no-no' for my diet! I had to start over with my diet the next day. It was so delicious though and I rarely ever eat fried food. We didn't get desert either...so we did good. My sister ordered Parmesan Chicken with pasta. I took a bite of hers and I wanted to switch! It was amazing! 
Melinda, Christy and Mom. They were ready to go shopping and to burn some of this delicious food off...I had to get one more picture!
We had so much fun and laughed so much. Mom is so funny and she always makes us laugh! Doesn't she look so cute here with her 'Betty Boop" shirt. She loves 'Betty Boop". We went to Hobby Lobby next...Mom calls it Hollie Hobby...She really use to think that was the name of it. We stayed in there for 2 hours. They had so much to look at. I get so excited whenever I get to go there! Y'all probably think I'm nuts when I talk about how I love that place, but when you don't have one, it is so exciting to go there! The only improvement that I think they could make would be to add a little snack bar or cafe...then we could just eat lunch there and never have to leave! Just shop 'til we dropped. Next we went the Goodwill...you know I couldn't skip that place. They didn't really have much that I liked this time. We had fun though. All of us kept finding things with Betty Boop on it and ran taking it to mama to see if she liked it. That was fun! I even found a tee shirt that said "Betty Boop..know what boys want". Mom liked to have fell out when I showed her that one! It was so funny!
Well...I hope y'all have a great day and have some fun!