Welcome to the 'Traditions' party celebrating the holidays from the blog 'Emma calls me mama'. I want to share with you pictures of my children when they were younger at Christmas time...my favorite holiday of all. Most of these are of my daughter because my photo albums are packed up and I only had her scrapbook available to use. I had to take pictures of photos because we didn't have digital cameras back then. Some of these pictures were originally taken with a little Kodak camera with the 'magic cube' flash bulb that was placed on top of the camera. Does anybody remember those? Okay, I'm showing my age now!
This is one of my favorite pictures of me and Christina and her daddy. This was her very first Christmas and she was almost a year old. We were very young. I was only 16 years old when we got married and he was 18. I turned 17 when Christy was 3 months old. We were children ourselves.

These pictures were taken at her mamaw and papaw's house. We lived with them while her daddy was in basic training and AIT school. They always had a huge 'real' tree for Christmas and we decorated it with all of her 'old' ornaments. It was a big deal decorating their tree. We got all into it! I remember Papaw putting the shiny silver icicles on it. He would hold them up in the air and blow on them and they would land perfectly on the tree. Mamaw would have an old album of Bing Crosby playing in the background singing "White Christmas, Silver Bells, and all of those oldies but goodies.

They were the best grandparents! They were my (ex) husband's but I claimed them as mine even after we divorced. I loved them very much and I miss them. They always made Christmas very special for us. 

This is me and Papaw and Christy decorating the tree. I remember how the tree smelled...it made the whole room smell so good. I remember how cold that room was. They only lit the heater in there while we decorated the tree or when company came over or on Christmas. It was an old house and very cold. Mamaw would start baking cakes, pies, and cookies a week before Christmas. She taught me how to cook and whenever I cook now during the holidays, I always think of her. Honestly, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of them. They were always there for us no matter what. They instilled that in me and I believe that helped to make me the way that I am about my children.

Papaw loved Christy so much. He was so proud that she was born on his birthday. January 12th.

Here she is opening one of her gifts. Looking at her now makes me think of my grandson Jason. He looks so much like his mommy. 

Here she is at almost 1 year old decorating the tree! She was an early walker. She started at 9 months. The ornament that she has in her hand, she still has and she puts it on her tree now.

Christy sitting in Santa's lap at Roses's Dept store.

This one of me and Christy was taken at her Nanny's house. We always had to make the rounds to all of the grandparent's homes for Christmas. I had her all dressed in pink.
Wasn't she adorable?

Wasn't she adorable?

This one is of Christy and her brother Cole. I think that she thought that he was her baby doll. She carried him around everywhere! This was during the years that I was a single mom and this was taken in our little apartment. Christy always helped me so much with Cole. There is 8 years difference between them. This was Cole's first Christmas. They were all dressed and ready to go to Mamaw Judy's (my mom) for Christmas.

Christy and Cole on Christmas morning at our apartment. They were still in their jammies. Look at those faces! They were so excited! See those round plagues on the wall next to the tree? I shared them on a post a few posts back on the 'Heirloom' party at 'Emma Calls Me Mama'.

Me and Christy opening up her 'big' present at her mamaw's. She was 2 here. 

Christy was 5 years old here. I always tried to get her the newest doll that they came out with each year. She had seen this one on t.v. and she was so happy that it was under the tree.

Christy at 6 years old sitting under the tree. She was begging me just to let her open 'ONE' gift and it wasn't even Christmas yet. I think I ended up letting her.

Christy at 7 years old with Santa and my friend's baby. (Hillary)

Cole and Christy on Cole's little train that Santa brought to him. That train just about drove us crazy! He kept blowing the whistle so much! Christy was so protective of Cole. She was afraid that he would fall off if she let go.

Now these were taken years later after my last son was born. Christy was 18 and Cole was 8 and baby Garrett was only 7 months. This was taken on Christmas Eve. I was downstairs playing 'Santa' and she was in my room watching the boys for me. She has always been the 'little' mama to them. 

They ended up sleeping in my bed with me that night. I know that I didn't get much sleep! 

Christmas has always been a very special time for us. Christy, Erin, and Chase (my step children) were all teens at the same time. We always had a house full of kids. They would bring their boyfriends and girlfriends to eat Christmas dinner. I would get up extra early and start everything. We started a tradition of Cinnamon rolls...first thing and then the real cooking would begin. I took this picture from upstairs looking down. Erin is the 2nd one from the left in the back row and Chase is the 4th one. Naturally Christy is down front with a baby on her hip! Baby Garrett and Cole is right next to her still half asleep.

Thanks for taking the time to look at all of these pictures of Christmases past. 
I hope that the memories that we have tried to instill in them about family and Christmas will stay with them for always just as they have with me from Mamaw and Papaw. The most important thing being for them to know the real reason for the season. The birth of Jesus. I thank Him for my wonderful children...my blessings.

I hope that the memories that we have tried to instill in them about family and Christmas will stay with them for always just as they have with me from Mamaw and Papaw. The most important thing being for them to know the real reason for the season. The birth of Jesus. I thank Him for my wonderful children...my blessings.
Hi, I've enjoyed the sharing of your Christmas Memories of your children.8~)
~Myrna Lee
Oh what a beautiful post, your family is lovely. I think being together as a family during the holidays is so important. Life is too short to not live. I love the photos of little Christy opening up her presents, how fun to capture the memories forever. God bless you. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Hi Lee Laurie, What a beautiful post of Christmas past. I love all the pics of your children in different times at Christmas. Your posts always give me such a sense of family togetherness and the closeness you have with them. It is such a comfort to me and takes me back to many happy times with my own family.
Your kids are darling in all the pics.
Thank you for sharing.
Have a great weekend.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Good morning LL,
These are just the sweetest pictures, and the memories..sweeter..our babies are so getting older, right in front of our lil' eyes.. Christmas is the BeSt time of year, and to be able to create such fond memories is so important and will last us all a life time !! Thanks for sharing Christmas's gone by.. Very fun !! Have a super, and blessed Saturday !!
hugs ~tea~xo
LL, your pictures are so heart warming & the loving story that you share of each one ... very moving.
Life is love, & it is wonderful that you opened your heart to maintain such a love for one another.
The wee ones grow too quickly & memories flood us during the holidays, don't they ... all the precious moments of yore.
TY for such precious moments of your life.
TTFN ~Marydon
What wonderful memories you have. We always seem to remember the holidays more because they were so special, and we were more likely to take pictures. I know I have a big picture-less gap of myself from about Jr. high on of day to day lift, it's mostly holiday pictures. Thanks for sharing your memories, I LOVE the picture of Christ in her pink overalls grinning at the camera!
Cute kiddos! Merry Christmas! God bless you!
What wonderful memories you've shared. I hope this next Christmas is the best one yet!
These photos are truly precious. I love old Xmas memories.
I'm back. I've missed you so much. Please tell Stevie I said hello. I will call you on Wednesday around 5if that's all right. I have much to tell you.
Hello Lee Laurie - my heart has been blessed seeing all of your special photos! I'm so glad you have them to look back on and enjoy.
Thank you for joining me for the party!
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