I just got back last night from visiting Cole and Shanna in Southaven. We had a wonderful visit except that is was way too short. I had to be back for today to go back to work and we also had 'Friend's Day' at church and I didn't want to miss it. I went ahead and took them a few of their Christmas presents early because I knew that they would be needing them. They were so happy! They finally have their own apartment and they are trying to get it all ready for when the baby gets here.
We also took them an old washer and dryer that I had in storage. They will really be needing that!!! All those baby clothes! Christy sent them Jason's baby swing and I brought them Garrett's changing table from when he was a baby. I know how hard it is when you are young and first starting out. They really appreciated everything.

Cole was even excited about getting more baby wipes!!! You just wait Cole!!!

Got them a mixer...they didn't have one yet. Shanna can bake him plenty of cakes and brownies now. LOL Cole called me a few days before I went and said that he really wanted some panny-cakes...that's what he use to call them when he was a little boy. Of course I had to bring them some groceries and I couldn't forget pancake mix and syrup. I made some for them while I was there.

A cake plate for all of those cakes that Shanna is going to bake.

They really loved this one. Pizza Stone! They eat lots of pizza!

Sweet little calendar to keep up with all of Gabriel's doctor appointments, first smile, first tooth, first words, etc. I'm getting all 'happy' just thinking about it!!

Garrett was so happy to see his brother. It had been months since they had seen one another. Garrett loved Cole and Shanna's apartment. We all went to a huge flea market before I left and I just had to get me something!!

Her name is "Princess Rosalie" and I'm gonna call her "Rosie". Isn't she beautiful? I've been wanting a little inside puppy ever since my sweet 'Sassy" died. I just didn't know what kind...I thought I would get another Sheltie but they are so hard to find down here. When I saw this little sweetie...and I held her, I knew that I wanted her for my own. Her little face is so precious and she cuddled up to me just like I was her mommy. Last night was her first night with me and I ended up letting her sleep with me because she kept crying in her kennel. Tonight she is just sleeping so sweetly by herself. She turned 2 months old today. Tomorrow I'm taking her to the vet just for a check up.
I hope all of you have a great night!!! I'm so happy!!! I will probably have baby dreams and puppy dreams!

I hope all of you have a great night!!! I'm so happy!!! I will probably have baby dreams and puppy dreams!
Happiness glows everywhere ... amazing what a smile 'baby wipes' will bring to one. Glad you had such a lovely visit together.
TTFN ~Marydon
Hi my sweet Lee! I loved your post and congratulations on becoming a soon to be extra beautiful granny! You are so thoughtful and I know that they appreciated everything you've done for them. You are such a wonderful mama.
Love ya,
Deanna :D
Hi LL!! What a very sweet couple! They look so happy and content. And you my dear, what a beautiful picture of you. Very photogenic you are! Btw, I love you background music! Sleepless in Seattle, right?? Great!
I will always remember the smiles that had while they were opening the gifts. I know Cole misses you so much. It was a little different him and me cooking in the kitchen together. They both were so proud of their apartment. Rosie is going to be so spoiled rotten....she is fast on her way too. She is a pretty little pup...I hope you brings many enjoyable memories. I hope you will always remember the day you got her.
Cole was already missing you before we could back out of the parking space at the apartment.
You are too funny! A puppy is just about the last thing I was expecting you to get at a flea market! She's adorable and I'm sure you are so excited!
Love and sweetness all around you. New grand baby to be, birth-day memories for Garrett and a new puppy. What a girl to do, but be proud and smile.
Enjoy your day, I know you will.
How lovely that you could spend time with your family. I am so happy you found a new puppy our homes are lonely without one. Thanks for sharing all your heart warming pictures.
I remember after baby number three, I asked for diapers and wipes for my main shower gifts! :)
You really know how important those two things are when you have a baby...
So happy for you, that you got a new baby, I did the same thing after my two dogs dies within months of eachother. Teddy is the love of my life and I am so thankful I got him right away to ease the pain and loss.
Bless you and hope your having a great week so far!
OHHH This is just the happiest post! You are the best mom ever!! How sweet of you to help your son and his wife out like that! I am so excited for you all, a new baby is such a blessing!
Your puppy is sooo cute, I cant stand it!!! What a sweet baby :)
Love and hugs,
Oh my goodness Lee Laurie Congrats on your PRECIOUS new puppy! How adorable!
~Beautiful photos. She just glows with her pregnancy.
Many Blessings, ~Melissa :)
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