Today was Cole and Shanna's baby shower. My daughter and I came here to Southaven, Ms. to attend their first shower. This is a photo of them with their cake. The above picture is of the cake. His name is going to be Gabriel Zane. He is due around Thanksgiving.
Me, Cole, and Shanna. I can't believe that my little boy is going to be a daddy! 
This is one of the outfits that I bought for Gabriel. It is 'Christmas' p.j.'s with a little bathrobe. Christmas is my favorite holiday and when I saw this outfit, I just had to get it for them.
They really had a great shower and received so many nice gifts. They were so excited! My little grandson Jason is on the left playing with a balloon. The shower was held at Shanna's Aunt Pam's house.
Cole, Shanna, and me after the baby shower. I didn't get very many pictures on my camera because my memory card ran out of room. LOL My daughter got a lot on her camera but we can't download her pictures because her memory card won't work with my laptop. I'll have to download those whenever I get back home. I didn't get any of my daughter on my camera. I used her camera to take them.
This is one of the games that we played. Cole had to come out looking like he was expecting! Wasn't he cute? Everyone had to guess how much he weighed when he was born. No one got it right! LOL He weighed 7lbs. 12oz. He looks so funny holding his aching back!
Look at them comparing bellies! How cute!!! 
Our trip here was suppose to take around 3 or 4 hours but we stopped and ate in Jackson and went to Target and shopped for 2 hours!!! We lost track of time buying all of those baby gifts. We are staying one more night here in Southaven and then heading home. My vacation is almost over. I start back to work on Monday. It has been a very busy vacation for me. But I enjoyed it.
Our trip here was suppose to take around 3 or 4 hours but we stopped and ate in Jackson and went to Target and shopped for 2 hours!!! We lost track of time buying all of those baby gifts. We are staying one more night here in Southaven and then heading home. My vacation is almost over. I start back to work on Monday. It has been a very busy vacation for me. But I enjoyed it.
The only thing that I really got done around my cottage was painting my brass bed. I put 1 coat of paint on it before I left and I will put on another when I get back home. I got tired of the brass finish . I painted it a pretty off white. I can't wait to get it back in my bedroom and put my new quilt on it.
Lee Laurie, what a lovely shower for Gabriel Zane. The jammies are darling, will keep those wee toes snuggly warm.
What a darling family they will all make together. Our babies don't stay wee for long, do they, LL? I still have to stand back & look at my children & wonder where the time went.
Obviously you all had such a lovely time. Hope you are still feeling better.
Have a great weekend. TTFN ~Marydon
Hi LL,
Ooohhh it looks like you all had such a wonderful time at your new babys' shower !! What fun and how special to be a Grandma.. Have a safe trip home.. Your bed sounds wonderful !! Mine is a ivory white iron bed.. I LoVe it, and I've NEVER tired of that !! I guess cuz I can always change the bedding.. Everything goes with it !! Sounds like you have had a wonderful vacation.. Take care of yourself.. Blessings and love as always
hugs ~tea~xo
Hi Lee laurie,
Just wanted to drop a line to ask how stevie is ? Is he Ok ? Just haven't heard from him in a while. Have a good evening or morning ...
Hi Lee
wow i nearly had heart failure when I scrolled down the posts and seen the cake with baby's name on it!! I thought the baby had arrived!!!I know time flies but i didnt think it had been that long since i visited you LOL.Whew!!When is Thanksgiving over there?What a beautiful name, Gabriel Zane. It's nice to see Cole & Shanna are planning for the arrival and building memories already.Love the belly comparison LOL..very funny.
I am proud of Cole. He is working hard to get things in order. I know that he wants to prove himself to everyone and with our love and support I know he will. He has your determination. I am glad thay you got to spend time with your children.
Take care,
Hey Lee,
I hate that I missed the baby shower, I really wanted to go. They look so cute together, and I love the name they have picked out. Im glad they got lots of things. I will get them something if they have a shower down here, or when I go see the baby. That baby is going to be beautiful!
Cole did look so cute with his belly.HaHA I hope you had a good vacation. Well let me get back to work.TTYL, Melinda
I just love a baby shower when daddy plays along. I bet you can't wait to be a grandma, I love being grandma to my two, they are the light in my heart!
Enjoy your day,
How sweet! Aren't they a cute couple!
m ^..^
Hi Lee Laurie!! This post is too cute for words!! Your son is such a good sport, love it! I LOVE that little bathrobe and pajama set too, how cute can you get! Congratulations on a new baby :) I have two boys born around Thanksgiving, the 21st and 23rd of Nov. :)
Dear Lee Laurie,
Baby showers are such fun ~ I love the name Gabriel!
I hope you will post photos of your bed when it's fininshed~
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