Last night I was feeling a little down. Just missing my son Cole. He called me last night to 'check in'...that's what he calls it. He wanted to tell me all about his job and let me know how Shanna is doing. They are doing fine and have been busy looking for an apartment. The picture below is Cole when he was just a baby. I put his blanket over his head because I wanted the picture to look old fashioned. I love this picture.
This is another favorite of mine. He was around 5 months old. 

This is a picture of Cole and Christy at his grandma and grandpa's condo in Bay St. Louis. (The condos are all gone now...thanks to Katrina!) You can just see the love in their faces for one another.

He was so handsome here. This was his school picture. 

These next two are a couple of my very favorites of Cole. 

He has been on my mind a lot lately. I had been thinking about them and wondering if they were getting all settled with his new job. I know that I'm not suppose to 'worry' and I try not to. I know that God is watching over them.

Cole must have known that I had been thinking about him...he called me last night and I didn't recognize the number. When I answered it, he said "Hey, Mom...just 'checking in' and to let you know that I have a new phone. I love you." That made me feel so special. He told me all about his job and that he has to leave at 4:00 a.m. and be at work at 5:00 a.m. He is really trying to get his feet off the ground and make a home for his soon to be family. He sent these pictures to my computer to let me see how he is doing. He knew that they would make me feel better..jpg)
Here he was showing me something that he was snacking on. Its called a 'fourth meal'. It says on the package "The meal between dinner and breakfast". He wants to reassure me that he is eating! LOL I thought this was so funny!
I feel so much better after talking to him and seeing these pictures of him. Isn't it amazing what we can do with computers?

I feel so much better after talking to him and seeing these pictures of him. Isn't it amazing what we can do with computers?
They were going to watch a movie that they had rented. I told him that I was fixing to do the same. We had both rented the same movie!
Now I have to get dressed for work. Today should be a very busy day. We have a huge Labor Day sale going on.
Cuteness. MY son does the same thing. If too many days go past he sends me an email or a voice message if he can't reach us. Then he follows up again later in the day. I love it when he does. Good young men we have.
Well do I know those empty nest feelings! (((hugs)))
Don't work too hard!☺
Hi hun....
Glad Cole is doing good, and his GF! When is the little bundle of sweetness due?
Not worry? How is that possible? We are Moms after all. But your right luv....God is watching over them!
Seeya again soon,
We never stop being loving Mother's do we Lee Laurie. How sweet of Cole to call with 'Checking in, Mom' ... my son still does that & he is 47. I never adjusted to empty nest syndrome ... never will.
Best of luck to Cole & his new life. May he be happy, blessed & successful.
Sounds like you are feeling better now?
Have a beautiful weekend. TTFN ~ Marydon
Such a cute baby and a Handsome son! Mother's always miss and worry about their children! I know for that is my Stress! lol I think we are good Mothers if we worry about them. Mine oldest is 28, and I have decided, I will always worry about my girls and their families! I thought it would end, but Now I know it doesn't! lol So glad he gave you a call, he is a Good Son!
I do hope their will be a way for you to join us on Sept. 25 for the Mississippi Magnolia Southern Belles and Friends Luncheon. Bring someone with you if you like, just let me know if you can come and how many! I am crossing my fingers you get to come. I think you and I live the closest together! Hoping you have a wonderful day and not too tired with all the Labor Day customers! Give me a ring! OH, an Email!
Your son has grown up to be so handsome! I worry about mine, too...and he's 27 now! It's a MommaThing, I think!
I love your big heart, Lee! No matter what you are going through you are ALWAYS kind with your thoughts and words.
I just love that about you~
Your some is very handsome and he sounds very sweet!
He is such a cutie! I'm glad he's doing well and the're getting settled. Fourthmeal, lOl!
Pst, just a reminder that today is the gwtw ball! Look forward to "seeing" you there!
Awww-I'm sure you miss him a lot.
Come for a visit and see both new parties for the week.
Its So Very Cheri
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