Yesterday, we spent all day at the hospital in Hattiesburg. My son had to have outpatient surgery. He had a cyst in his neck that appeared to be getting larger and the doctor recommended taking it out and having it checked to make sure that is wasn't anything bad. He thinks its just a fibroid. They will send it off to the lab and have it tested.

Cole gets to stay home on his Thanksgiving pass until Sunday. 

I'm gonna bake him his favorite...pumkin pie. He eats a whole one by himself.
His surgery went well and he is doing fine. He was really emotional afterwards when the medicine was wearing off. He told me that he loved me over and over again. I'm so glad that it all went well and that it is over.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Poor baby!! I hope he is doing okay. I just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!! Thanks so much for the sweet comment you left me, it means so much to me (;
Hi Lee Laurie,
So nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by. I hope your son heals quickly and you enjoy your time while he is home.
Happy Thanksgiving and Blessings always.
la rea rose
No matter how big they get they will always be our babies.
Glad you have him back for awhile and that he is doing well.
Happy Thanksgiving.
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