Today I finally started packing up some of our Christmas decorations and getting things back to normal. I had all day off from work and it felt so good. These are a few of the things that I packed away. My sweet little snowman picture that I bought at TJ Maxx last year. The words really mean a lot to me.
We bought Christy the three wise men to go with her nativity. She loved them.
Our Christmas dishes in the kitchen hutch.
Our poinsettia wreath and garland.
A few things out of the kitchen window.

Stevie and I decided not to exchange gifts this year.....but he surprised me with a teapot to match my china. Wasn't that so sweet?
As I was going through my pictures, I found a few from Christmas that I thought I would share.

As I was going through my pictures, I found a few from Christmas that I thought I would share.
This is the pineapple upside down cake that I made to take to my sister's for our 'get together'. It was delicious. I thought it turned out pretty too.
I also made my sister's favorite...Date Nut Balls.

I also made my sister's favorite...Date Nut Balls.

She loves them. They are so additive. You can't eat just one.

My sister's daughter Whitney, me and my daughter Christy, my sister Melinda and our mom.
My daughter and my youngest son Garrett.

My daughter and my youngest son Garrett.

And her son Jason. 

Me and Stevie...Our First Christmas being married.
Christy and her husband Phillip.
My nephew Michael. Loving his LSU gifts.
This one was taken back at our house. Garrett opening a few gifts.
Christy with her new wind chimes. She loves them.
My daughter in the kitchen with my mom. She has grown up to be such a pretty little lady.
My Stevie and my sister's Steven. 
Melinda and her husband Steven.
My daughter and my grandson Jason.
Jason loves his dinosaurs.
Me and Stevie.
Jason, Chase (my sister's little boy) and Garrett. 
All of us girls. Me, my sister, my daughter and mama.
Stevie and mama in the kitchen. He's trying out my cake.
Me and Christy and Mama.
Me and Garrett.
Garrett excited about his deer hunting game.
It looks like you had a beautiful Christmas! I also packed away the holiday stuff early. I think a lot of people did for some reason. I guess we're all ready to move on! Happy New Year to you and your family!
We are ready for Spring! Our 1st Christmas together as husband and wife was awesome. It was peaceful and stressless at home. I know at both of our jobs it was stressful, however, we had each other to come home to and relax, to talk and make our day better. And be thankful that we have jobs. I look forward to many many more Christmases with you.
Hey, one drawer cleaned out is definitely something to be excited about! By the looks of this post and all the decor you've taken down, I'd say you took Sudafed and watched some Hoarders! lol :)
I'm feeling a lot better now, thanks!
What a wonderful Christmas you had with your adorable family! very special this year!
Your upside down cake looks so yummy, I love pineapple..
Wishing you and yours a very sweet and happy New Year full of blessings.
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