A few days ago....I decided to surprise my hubby with a picnic for his lunch break. I was on vacation....didn't go anywhere just stayed home and got some things done around the cottage. Anyway, I knew he was coming home for lunch so I thought since it was such a pretty Fall day....a picnic would be perfect. I decorated outside at the picnic table and swing. I even hung a picture on a tree. It was fun getting it all ready before he got there.

We had barbecue chicken, baked beans, coleslaw and of course good ole' sweet tea. It was such a pretty day. Perfect temperature outside....just a tiny bit breezy. It felt so good to be outside sharing lunch with my best friend.

Afterwards we relaxed on the swing with our sweet tea and talked about our plans for the future. We have so many things planned....getting more things done at the cottage. We plan on building on to it next year. A new family room and master bedroom and bath. We decided to stay in my little cottage after we were married because it is so peaceful here and we have so many memories here. (He proposed to me on my porch swing.)
After all...Home is where your story begins.
Hope you all have a beautiful day!
That was the best lunch this year!! When I saw what you had done, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. You made me feel very special, loved, appreciated....you melted my heart even more. Reading this post, made me feel all warm inside. I can't explain it, but you know how much I love you. I look forward to many more times like this one, working on our projects together and making more memories. It is so nice to have my wife as my best friend. You are a beautiful lady inside and out. Let's always make time for each other and enjoy the little simple things. Just like when we sit on the porch together or when we walk around the yard making plans.....it's that time we spend together that matters. I love you.
I love that! My husband and I are 70 years old and we love to go on dates. We go to the drive-tru and get something and go to the park. We sit in the car and eat and watch children play. Maybe that sounds silly, but we love it.
That is one of the most romantic things I have ever heard. What a wonderful wife you are!!!
Thank you for sharing such a special moment with us!
Have a pretty day!
also - what your husband wrote - amazing.
Hi Lee Laurie,
What a beautiful picnic lunch you created for your best friend and hubby. I love the pics and the framed sign on the tree is perfect.
You and he are very blessed indeed and I am sure will make many wonderful memories together in your darling cottage.
Love your swing and the pics of you both. Just beautiful my friend.
Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. I have been off line, but back up and running now and trying to catch up with visits.
Have a wonderful week.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
I just bet he was excited! What a fun way to spend a lunch hour. We have had absolutely beautiful weather here this last week and today the rain wind and cold all moved in, yuck.
You are one smart and sweet Lady. What a lovely suprise, and winter is aroung the corner. I love this time of year.
Happy Thanksgiving.
bless you both
What a very beautiful and romantic idea. I recently lost my husband and best friend so I truly appreciate the fact that you cherish your husband so much.
Just a spectacular way to show affection love and appreciation.
Cheers to you. Please stop by my blog if you have a moment and leave a comment. I have been away from blogging and need help gettion on board again. Thank you so much.
Hi Lee Laurie, Just wanted to stop by and wish you and your sweet family a blessed and special Thanksgiving. Hope your day was special.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
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