I can hardly believe that it's been over a month since I've posted on here. December and January have been so busy for me. Things are starting to slow down a little and I am able to get a few things done around my little cottage. I've been working on my bedroom and master bathroom...still not finished with the bathroom. Doing it a little at a time and paying for it as I go. This picture is of a Tiffany lamp that I've had for about 16 years. I recently turned it into a table lamp to use on my dresser. It was a hanging lamp that I used in my dining room before I moved into my cottage. I found the base for it at a thrift shop for $12:00. I like it better this way.
Just a few of my favorite things on my dresser. 
I love perfume. Looks like I have a collection of it. I used a crystal dish to keep it all together. I think it looks pretty like this.
These are some prints that I bought years ago at market. They are signed and numbered from the artist Vicki Thomas. I framed them years ago when I had more of a formal decor. They were in storage and I ran across them the other day and decided to use them in my bedroom. They each have little children/fairies in them among the roses. 
I realize now that I added this one sideways. Oh well...Isn't it pretty?
I love this one. 
Here is one of them hanging on my wall. My daughter bought me the candle a couple of months ago as a 'happy'. It's scent is Mulberry. One of my favorites.
They all look so pretty grouped together.
I finally got around to painting my chest of drawers. I used a color called "Heirloom Lace" from Lowe's. I used it on all of my bedroom furniture. I love French Provincial furniture. Whenever I see it at thrift shops....my heart skips a beat. I try to figure out a place I can put just one more piece. My little cottage is getting full. :) 
The piece on top was made for me for Christmas from a friend of mine and his step-dad. It was made for my t.v. and my DVD player. It even has a little place for my remotes. I actually painted it right where it sits because that old t.v. is so heavy and me being short I couldn't reach it anyway to move it. :)

The piece on top was made for me for Christmas from a friend of mine and his step-dad. It was made for my t.v. and my DVD player. It even has a little place for my remotes. I actually painted it right where it sits because that old t.v. is so heavy and me being short I couldn't reach it anyway to move it. :)
This is a sweet little chair that I bought at a garage sale a while back. It was peach polished cotton. Remember when that was the style? I had it re-covered in a pretty soft ivory micro-fiber and cotton rose fabric that I bought at Walmart. I love it. My perfect reading spot. 
This is one of my Christmas presents...an electric fireplace. My ex-husband bought it for me. My room didn't have heat except for a small electric heater that took forever to warm up. I put my rose screen behind it. I think it looks pretty like this. Of course, after the 'new' wears off, I will probably paint it too. 
The 'thing' between my chest of drawers and fireplace is not a ghost. lol I put a tablecloth over my cable box and modem to hide them. lol I don't like seeing them or their wires. This is only temporary. I'm working on a little project today just for them. I'll post after I get it finished.