I just wanted to show y'all some pictures that we took when we were visiting my son and his family at Easter. My mom went too. This was her first time to meet Shanna and her first time to see her new great -grandson, Gabriel.
Isn't he adorable? We all went out to Olive Garden (My favorite place) to eat the first night we were there.

Shanna and Cole get tired of eating there every time I go to see them. We don't have one in my town, so it's always a treat for me. I guess next time, we will have to go somewhere else. LOL
Me, Mom and Gabriel. She fell in love with him.
Mom, Gabriel, Garrett and Me. I like this one...I promise I wasn't choking Garrett. lol Just looks that way.
Mom says he reminds her so much of Cole when he was a baby. She used to call Cole "Rollie Pollie Collie". lol I caught her calling Gabriel that a couple of times.
Mom really liked Shanna too. I love this picture of them.
Mom and the boys. Poor Garrett...Looks like she is choking him too. lol
Cole and his little man.
I was so happy to see him! I held him almost the whole time that I was there. He is such a happy baby.
He is adorable. I was so glad that I got to go visit them for Easter.
Didn't wanna leave.
I got so many kisses while I was there. 
Look at that happy face! He laughs and smiles so much.
He was starting to get a little tired here.
Just about out....all that laughing and smiling made him tired.
Garrett decorated his Easter eggs at Cole's house. 
I baked Cole his favorite cake for him for Easter.
Garrett when he first woke up. "Where is my Easter basket"???
He loved it.
He's all about sports!
Then Gabriel said, "Where is my basket Nana?"
Of course Nana got him one for his first Easter. 
I filled it up with teethers...
little socks to keep his feetsies warm...
"What else Nana?" "Yay! Bunches of baby food! Yummy!"

"What else Nana?" "Yay! Bunches of baby food! Yummy!"
We all went to the park before we had to get on the road to come back home. It was a beautiful day. The wind was blowing a lot. We had to keep his ears covered.
Me and Mom playing with Gabriel.
It was a very pretty park. It has exercise equipment all around it. Even the library is there. I could just see myself going to the library there and reading out by the water. 
It would be fun exercising there too. Garrett was trying out some of the equipment.
Hi Lee,
What a beautiful Easter celebration with your family !! Everyone looks beautiful, and happy !! that precious baby looks just like your son !! What a doll .. that's for sure !! How special to be able to drive and spend time with them .. Babies grow and change soo fast !! Enjoy all your time with them .. Always love seeing your photos and sharing your happy family times !! I LoVe Olive Garden too, and just keep eating that salad !! you always make me hungry girlie ..hahaha .. Have a happy day sweet friend ~
Big hugs ~tea~xo
Hi Lee, What a beautiful Easter you had with your sweet family at Cole's. I love all the pics and your little grandson is darling. That park looks so inviting. You sure created some precious memories. I know you miss them till your next trip.
Happy Belated Birthday too. Loved the pics from your special day.
Hope you have a great weekend ahead.
Hugs and Blessings, Celestina Marie
Babies are so fun! And blessings. too. Looks like you had such a good time...THANKS so much for your compassion and prayers...I was blessed!
great pictures and a beautiful family you have. That park looks fabulous.
thanks for visiting and commenting on my repurposed headboard (chalkboard/backpack organizer)
I hope you're having a great day!
Looks like everyone had a lovely time. What a nice looking family you have!
What a wonderful family holiday you had! New babies are such a blessing and they are so much FUN their first year, so many changes as they grow. Thanks for sharing your special family photos and have a terrific weekend!
Hi Lee...thanks for stopping by! Gotta say...cute baby!! Love the laughing pic!
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