This was taken of my children a few years ago at Halloween. Cole was the monster from the movie 'Scream', Garrett was "Woody" from the movie 'Toy Story' and Christy was just "Blue".
Christy was already married and gone from my nest (LOL) but she came over and went with me and the boys, trick or treating. 

This picture is dark but I wanted to put it on here anyway. I love how Garrett had his little head tilted. He was tired of me taking pictures, he wanted to go! He was so excited.

This is an old one of Christy and her Papaw when she was only 5 years old. She was 'Tinkerbell'. I always took her by her Mamaw and Papaw's house on Halloween. They loved seeing her all dressed up in her little costumes.

Me, dressed up like 'Dolly' one year at work. Everyone thought I was 'Mae West'. LOL

I worked at a pharmacy /home health store and I was able to use some extra large enhancements...if you know what I mean. I wore them all day at work and then I took my kids trick or treating that night. When I got home, my back was killing me! I couldn't wait to get rid of those things! They were so heavy!

Christy was 2 years old here and I was 19. I dressed her as a clown. This was taken at her grandparent's house. I remember how Mamaw was worried about me getting all of the orange spray paint out of Christy's pretty blond hair. See that potholder that is hanging on the wall? Mamaw made it and now Christy has it hanging in her own kitchen. I will have to do a post on that one day.

Look at that sweet face...

Those Scream masks always freak me out! My son had one too...
Love the photos that you share, I love seeing babies dressed up.
I started a new blog...
Oh those pictures are adorable, I love Tinkerbell.
Blessings to you for the week ahead,
Thanks for sharing your family pics - takes me back to my kids' Halloweens. I met my husband at a halloween party, he proposed at the halloween party one year later, and our son was born on Halloween! LOL
What fun! I love seeing old Halloween pictures. I think little boys hit a certain age and have NO patience for pictures, especially if there is holiday fun to be had.
I hope you have a wonderful week!
Jason is adorable !!! How sweet is his painted face. Hope you are doing well :) Hugs :)
Hi Dolly ... oooohhh ... I mean sweet LL,
How fun to go down memory lane with you ... seems like yesterday doesn't it ?! Our children are sooo Big now !! Your baby clown is adorable, and I'm sure he was so happy to show his gramma how cute he looked !! FUN !!!
Hoping you have a blessed, fun week ..
hugs ~tea~xo
What wonderful memories those pictures hold for you, & for the children, Lee Laurie. TY for sharing.
Pop over for our DOUBLE GIVEAWAY DOUBLE ... Have a lovely November.
TTFN ~ Marydon
Well Hello Dolly,
Hi sweet Lee. I am coming by to visit after seeing you in your darling hat on my daughter's blog, Heidi @ Fairy Footprints in the Sand. Love the costume.
Memories of the kids are always so much fun. I can remember the day I was a clown. I made her costume. She was about 3 at the time. Loved it. You know those were great years, when we Mother's actually took the time to sew the kids' costumes. We planned them out carefully, you even stood in line at the patterns to see a book, and then stood in another line at the cutting table to get your fabric measured and cut. Weren't those great times? Some stores, like Wal-Mart don't even have fabric departments anymore. It is getting harder and harder to find fabric stores these days. I am afraid soon it will be a thing of the past.
Thanks for sharing sweetie. I would so love to have you stop by my blog. I would be honored to have you follow as well. I will be adding you to my list as well. I would love to come back and read a little more.
Happy November. Country hugs, Sherry
What a darling post Lee! I love seeing your family pics, so sweet! Your little guys is adorable with his teddy bear!! My son was from Scream once too! Love that movie :) What a doll :)
Looking back thru old pictures makes it seem like it was just yesterday....however, now it is your daughter dressing her son in a Halloween costume and coming by to see you...Nana. Don't that sound sweet?
He is such a handsome sweet little boy. I am glad he loved the teddy bear. It looks like he was loving up on it. He can melt your heart with his little hugs and kisses!
I hope you have a good.
What a great post. Great idea to show pics of Halloween past. Don't they just grow up too fast???
Love your blog. I just signed up to follow you. :)
Oh!Christy was so cute, and Jason looks like her too. I remember Christy at that age and its hard to believe she has a baby now. they all looked so cute in thier costumes!!!
Great pics, it's so fun to look back on old holiday photos!
Well hello -- Looks like your Halloween was fabulous! I love the fall season. You have a lovely blog, so nice to see family pictures. Thank you for visiting my blog, as well. I'm glad you did. If you ever have questions about design or decorating or a special project, please email me at I will help you out in any way I can. That's what followers do for each other, huh?
Memories--can you imagine in the olden days without photos.
Such sweeet memories. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Fun photos. I love Halloween with the kids. Mine are not as into the costumes now that they are older but I used to have a ball making them when they were little.
How cute Lee Laurie! It is so fun to take a look back at past Halloweens photos.
Many Blessings, ~Melissa :)
Hi LL!! Just checking in on you to say Hi! Hugs. Tammy
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