That's where I'm heading to now!
Posted by A Southern Rose at 8:19 AM 12 comments
Today is Monday and time for "Show off your cottage Monday" with Cielo at 'The House in The Roses'. With so much going on the past couple of weeks, I wasn't able to join in on the fun for a few weeks. I'm using some pictures from last year of my shabby pink and white Christmas tree for today's post. Be sure to click on her blog name and check out all of the other blogs that are participating.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 10:57 AM 18 comments
We made it on time to the hospital to see Gabriel arrive! It was a 4 1/2 hour drive. Cole called me at work around 9:00 to let me know that Shanna had been admitted to the hospital. I had already been at work for 2 hours and I had to ask my boss to let me leave early so that I could make it there to see him be born. I left work at 2:30 and had to stop by the house to get a bag of clothes, etc. This is the picture that was taken outside in the parking lot at the hospital. We called Cole and he met us outside.Cole and Shanna waiting on Gabriel to make his appearance!
They look so sweet here and they were so excited. Shanna was so tired. She had been in the hospital since 8:00 A.M. and it was 8:30 P.M. when we got to the hospital. I wanted to be there in time...I couldn't believe that we made it.We were all so tired. Everyone was wanting him to be born on the 19th because that is our grandma's birthday.
Gabriel had other plans. He was born at 12:30 a.m. on November 20th. He is adorable! I knew that Cole and Shanna would make a beautiful baby!
He weighed 7 pounds and 1 ounce! 19 1/2 inches long.
Cole and his son! Gabriel looks so much like his daddy!
Shanna and her baby son. It reminds me of me when I had Cole 18 1/2 years ago. She is such a good little mommy.
My first born son and his first born son. We are all so blessed! When Gabriel looked up at his daddy, I felt like he was thinking... "I know that you will always be there for me Daddy."
Me and Stevie and Gabriel. The first time that I held him. I started crying because it brought back so many memories of when I held Cole for the first time. He looked exactly like Gabriel.
God has been so good to us all. I was able to be in the room during his birth and it wasn't even planned that way. A total surprise! I will never forget it. I cried whenever I first saw his face and when I looked over at Cole and Shanna I could feel the love that they have for him.
I'm at the hospital now. I leave in the morning to be back at work for 11:00. I don't want to leave!
We will be making many more trips to Southaven now!
Posted by A Southern Rose at 1:52 PM 14 comments
This morning I was feeling a little down in the dumps...you know that kind of feeling that just comes every once in a while and tries to hang around. I will say that I am a very positive person, however sometimes the little negativity's in life try to rear their ugly heads and mess up a perfectly good day. That is what happened to me yesterday. I came home from work last night in a grouchy mood and not feeling too well either. I decided to go straight to bed....no t.v., no reading a book, nothing. Then I woke up this morning feeling a tad better but still not my normal self. I decided to look at a few blogs and the second one that I read was from "Passion 4 Pink". I started reading where she had received this award and had to answer some questions with only 'one' word and pass it on to 5 other bloggers. As I was reading the questions and her answers, I found myself answering them to myself. Then when I got to the bottom of the list, I saw that she had passed the award on to me. I was so surprised. It made my morning to know that a fellow blogger was so sweet to think of me. It was like she just knew that I need a little 'happy' this morning. It made me smile. Thank you!!!
Here are the questions...and my award. 1. Where is your cell phone? dresser
2. Hair? messy
3. Your mother? loving
4. Your father? protective
5. Your fave food? pasta
6. Your dream last night? home
7. Your fave drink? hot cocoa
8. Your dream/your goal? happiness
9. What room are you in? bedroom
10. Your hobby? thrifting
11. Your fear? heights
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something that you aren't? dependant
15. Muffins? blueberry
16. Wish list item? peace
17. Where did you grow up? Mississippi
18. Last thing you did? coffee
19. What are you wearing? p.j.'s
20. Your T.V.? news
21. Your pets? dogs
22. Your friends? many
23. Your life? blessed
24. Mood? better
25. Missing someone? Always
26. Your vehicle? Lincoln
27. Something you are not wearing? Make-up
28. Your fave store? Goodwill
29. Your fave color? Pink
30. Last time you laughed? Yesterday
31. Last time you cried? Yesterday
32. Your best friend? sister
33. One place you go to over and over? Work
34. One person who emails me regularly? Melinda
35. Fave place to eat? Olive Garden
Now I am suppose to pass this on to 5 blogging friends. You know this sounds really simple but it was a little hard answering these questions just with one word. Especially if you are a talker like me! #35 had to be 2 words. It was either Cracker Barrel or Olive Garden. Both have two words in their name! I actually feel better since I answered these. Really got me to thinking. Thank you for the award. I pass it on to...
Melinda Lynn http:// memespage.blogspot.com
Tammy http:// forastitchinthyme.blogspot.com
Melissa http:// pineyrose.blogspot.com
Manuela http:// thepleasuresofhomemaking.blogspot.com
Nikki http:// thescarlettrosegarden.com
Remember to try and answer them using just one word. Have fun!
Posted by A Southern Rose at 5:26 AM 10 comments
I know that I've been telling you guys that I have been on a diet to lose a few extra pounds that have snuck up on me...well I'm still on my diet, however sometimes you just gotta cheat a little bit. Or reward yourself, whatever you wanna call it. I guess I'll call it rewarding myself. When I reward myself, I do it really good!
Posted by A Southern Rose at 9:58 AM 12 comments
I talked to Garrett this morning and he and his daddy were on the charter bus on the way to Jackson, Ms. on a field trip. I was able to go on the last trip with him but I have to work today. His dad and I take turns going on field trips with him. His daddy works in Brazil and is gone a lot. This is an old picture taken on Christmas Eve when Garrett was almost 2 years old.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 8:17 AM 10 comments
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