This is the bed that I bought a couple of weeks ago at the used furniture store. They had just put it out when I got there. When I saw it, I knew it was meant for me! I had to leave it there because I didn't have a truck to haul it. This is the same store where they save things for me with 'roses' on it.
I love all of the details on it. I can't wait to start priming and painting it. I kind -of like the color that it is already is but I'm going with a blue and yellow color scheme in my guest bedroom. I think I will paint it 'Cottage White". 

It even has pretty little details on the foot board. It is a 'full' size bed. I'm so happy with it. I know that I could not have bought a new bed that would have made me happier. I love 'old' pieces so much better. 
I haven't posted too much this month, I know. There has just been so much going on and I have been in a lot of pain with the Fibro. It just aggravates me so much! There is so much that want to get done around my cottage but when I hurt, I just shut down. Some days I can barely make it to work. When I get to work, I try to put on a front that the pain is not there because I don't want them to know. I don't think that most people there would understand anyway and I don't want to be labeled as the 'complainer'. I just smile and just try to get through the day. It is just so hard sometimes. Thank you everyone that has left sweet comments to me about this and understanding. This song playing is one of my favorites. The little girl singing was around 5 years old when she recorded this. Her voice is beautiful to me.

I haven't posted too much this month, I know. There has just been so much going on and I have been in a lot of pain with the Fibro. It just aggravates me so much! There is so much that want to get done around my cottage but when I hurt, I just shut down. Some days I can barely make it to work. When I get to work, I try to put on a front that the pain is not there because I don't want them to know. I don't think that most people there would understand anyway and I don't want to be labeled as the 'complainer'. I just smile and just try to get through the day. It is just so hard sometimes. Thank you everyone that has left sweet comments to me about this and understanding. This song playing is one of my favorites. The little girl singing was around 5 years old when she recorded this. Her voice is beautiful to me.
I absolutely adore it!! So beautiful! Cant wait to see what you do with it! Have fun painting!!
It is a pretty bed. The colors you showed me will be perfect. It will look and feel so peaceful. I will cut you slats after you paint the bed and we go to put it together. He didn't have any slats yesterday when I picked up the bed. I did ask him.....I figured it couldn't hurt...he might just have some. HA!
I hope you do get to feeling better. I know this week has been bad.
What a FABULOUS bed! Oh I really love the color it is.. but if you paint it I'm sure it will be lovely!
Blessings ~Mary~ :-}
That is a great find!
So sorry that you suffer from fibro!
Hope you have a good day today!☼
Lee Laurie, I do hope you are feeling much better. It is so difficult to deal with this maladies that life can bring us.
LOVE the bed!! It is gorgeous .. dying to see what you do with it. I know it will be exquisite ........
Have a beautiful weekend.
TTFN ~Marydon
First of all my friend, prayers have gone up all week long for those of us hurting. I firmly believe it is the unpredictablility of the weather. Hot then cold and back to hot again. Don't do too much and try to let your body heal up some. I'm in the same way as you this week. Been flaring actually for two weeks now.
YOUR BED IS GORGEOUS!!!! Love it. Be sure to take pics when done and share. I can't wait to see it.
Hugs sweetie and feel better soon.
That bed is absolutely gorgeous! I love it the way it is! What a find!
I feel so bad for fibromyalgia patients - it seems the syndrome is so prevalent - it makes one wonder what is causing it. You have such a wonderful attitude though - I don't know how you do it! Have a great day.
This bed is beautiful. I love it.
I love it!
What a spectacular find! I think it would look beautiful painted white. I'm so sorry to hear you've been suffering this week. I hope your body gives you some relief and you get to feeling better soon!
Well hello Lee Laurie,
So happy to see you back.. I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well.. This bed is gorgeous !! I can't believe you just stumbled upon this !! Wow!! Can't wait to see your room all done !! How exciting.. Feel better sweetie, and have a wonderful week-end !!
hugs ~tea~xo
You lucky girl!!!!! that is going to look fab, i don't even mind it that colour. I hope your'e feeling better soon too so i can see it with all pretty linen on it.
Lee...Can I PLEASE come steal that bed from you? ARe you kidding me? I want it! OK? I'll be right over... amazing find...I LOVE IT! I'm faint. I have to go to bed.
More soon, OK?
xoRebecca PS: About the doggie thing...whatever you choose to do or say, be of sweet spriit and ask God to go before you. When I do that it ALWAYS works out. ox
That bed is to die for!! Love it! All thos details and little scrollies!
I am so sorry you have been hurting. I will say prayers that you get relief really sonon!
Lou Cinda :)
I love that bed, can't wait to see the finished product! I've been catching up on your posts since I was away for a few days and going thru blogging withdrawal!!
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