Good morning, everyone. Today and tomorrow I am actually off work! I have so much planned to do at my cottage. It feels so good to have a couple of days off. I'm in kind -of a predicament and I thought maybe that I could get some advice from my blogging friends. The pictures below are of the chow dog that adopted us a few months ago. I can't remember how long he has been here. Maybe 4 or 5 months. I didn't go out looking for him...he just popped up here one day and has been here ever since. He was really shy at first and wouldn't come up to anyone but me. I was careful with him at first because I didn't know if he was going to be aggressive or not. He was so sweet and scared. I could tell that he had been abused. He smelled terrible and had a million knots in his hair! I got to looking at him closer and noticed that the collar he had on was digging into his neck! I mean it had cut into his flesh...deeply! I called Stevie over to help me get it out and off of him. He was a little afraid of Stevie. We tried to pull it off and we could tell that it was hurting him so we just did a little bit at a time. Finally we were able to get it off and the dog ran off. I know that it hurt him. Anyway, everyday I came home from work, he would be here. I ended up naming him "Bear". He has been here ever since. He is a big baby! He walks around like an old grandpa! LOL He lets me wet him down with the water hose (I have to hold on to his hair to keep him there while I do it) and I'm planning on shaving all of his hair off except for around his face, today. Stevie gave him his shots. We didn't know if he had any shots before. He seems so happy now and is a good watch dog. I have 2 other dogs outside and they all get along.
Doesn't he look sweet? I use to have a chow that I raised from a puppy 18 years ago. I was expecting my son 'Cole' at the time. I never had any trouble out of 'Cocoa'. Maybe that's why I'm not afraid of 'Bear'. He follows me around my yard when I'm outside and if I'm out back working in my shed, he will just sit there and watch me. I live out in the country and having dogs out here is the norm.
Well...the problem that I have is, my neighbor met me at my car when I got home the other day, she didn't even give me time to get out of my car! I have never even met her before. She lives down the road behind my house. She asked me if the 'brown' dog was my dog. There is a brown lab puppy that comes around everyday...he lives across the road. I thought she was talking about him and I said 'no'. When I got out of my car she started pointing at "Bear" and said "That ugly dog, is it yours?" Well that didn't sit very well with me and I told her that he had adopted us a few months ago. She wouldn't even let me finish talking and she said that if he ever came back into her yard again that she was going to shoot him because she was sick of picking up her garbage. I asked her how she knew that it was him because there are dogs all over this place out here. I have 2 besides 'Bear' and there are at least 4 others that live across the road. She didn't answer me but she did say that he growled at her and she was not gonna put up with it. She said if he comes back in her yard she is shooting him and she turned around and walked off. She actually had the nerve to turn back around and tell me to have a good day! I didn't say anything back to her but I went inside and I was very upset. I've had a day or so to really think about it and I'm trying to figure out what to do. I thought about writing her a note and putting it on her door asking her to please not to shoot him and I would try to find a home for him. Just give me a few days. Whenever I get ready to write it, I decide not to because I don't think that it is fair that I should have to do this. There are so many dogs around here and she has singled him out to shoot! I think because of him being a Chow, she wants him gone. What do I do? I've already lost 2 dogs this past year. We think that 'Baby' was poisoned and 'Sassy' was found dead when we came home from going out to eat. "Sassy" was my sweet Sheltie that I had for 11 0r 12 years. "Baby" was the part 'pit' that we rescued off the side of the road when she was just a few days old. I know that not all people like dogs or animals period. I respect that. That is their choice. However, I am an animal lover. I should be able to have my animals. That is one reason that I decided to move out here in the country and not in town.
I know this has been a long post, but I just had to get all of this of my chest. I don't want to have to chain him up...I would rather just find him another home. It just doesn't seem fair. If I felt like 'Bear' was a bad dog, I would not have kept him this long. I have children and a grand baby.
Please give me your honest advise on what to do.