I love all of the balconies on the houses and the flower boxes! So beautiful.
I wanted to go inside each and every one of theses old houses.
I bet they are so pretty inside.
This one was right across form our bed and breakfast. I love the pretty color...purple.
After we walked past tons of beautiful homes, we came to the river. Can you believe that I only took one picture? :)
We walked all the way to the French Market. My first time...and I loved it. These next few pictures are of us at a little cafe called "The Magnolia Cafe". The food was delicious! I love Cajun food. Here is Christy....a little sunburned. It was hot walking and we both forgot to put on sunscreen. :(
The decor in the cafe was so shabby and rustic. I loved it. I had to take tons of pictures. The artwork on the wall was so expensive.
I think they painted on old cabinet doors.
Isn't this one cute? This one was my favorite. Its really an old screen door. They wanted 1200.00. Are they crazy?! I'm gonna make one of these for my kitchen one day. Bet I could make it a lot cheaper than that. :)
Yummy seafood gumbo. It was the best.
vintage things inside. They wouldn't allow pictures.....so I got one of the window display.
I loved this pink bicycle. It belonged to the
lady that owned the shop.
It was full of antiques and the old silver and china was so pretty.
Christy, almost hidden behind the huge chairs. I was taking so many pictures. She just kept shakin' her head at me. :)
The food was delicious. The dish with the berries on top was called a blitz. It was so good!
I love all of the detail in these beautiful old houses. The arch below was incredible. The detail!
I could really live here. lol
Beautiful crystal chandelier and ceiling medallion.
Me....resting in the 'den'.
I just had to show y'all this beautiful bathroom. lol It was very tiny but oh so pretty! I loved everything about it. The mirror...
the sink...
and the awesome canopy ceiling and chandelier. I was in awe.....
We went back to our place and rested a little and got dressed to go out. My daughter was takin' me out on the town. The big city of New Orleans.
She took me to a restaurant called 'Desire'. It was elegant and had lots of old charm. The tin ceilings were beautiful.
She made me feel so special the whole entire time. Afterwards, we went to Bourbon Street. My first time EVER. I was a little nervous....just us two females out at 10:00 at night on Bourbon Street.....but it was fun. lol.jpg)