Whitney, Michael, Chase, Cole, Christy, Melinda and baby Jason. They all love Cole so much and are so proud of him.

Whitney, Michael, Chase, Cole, Christy, Melinda and baby Jason. They all love Cole so much and are so proud of him.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 8:27 AM 4 comments
Here are some pictures of my pink and white tree. I love this tree. I love all of the pink! Each ornament has a special meaning to me. The little victorian girl in lace and wine satin was one my daughter received when she was the flower girl in my friend's wedding. She was only three years old at the time.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 8:23 PM 4 comments
Christmas is almost here! This year has flown by so fast! I was playing on the computer and I made a couple of videos. I put one on here and one on my Christmas blog. (Christmas with a southern rose) Go check it out, it is funny ,too. I laughed and laughed when I was making them! This one stars me and my son Garrett and our friends, Stevie and Hailey. I also put Sassy on here. Isn't she cute!? Just go to my playlist and turn it off before you watch the video. I hope everyone is having a great holiday season!
Posted by A Southern Rose at 6:54 PM 5 comments
Posted by A Southern Rose at 12:30 PM 1 comments
Garrett and Hailey riding the bull at Sante Fe restaurant.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 9:02 AM 1 comments
These are a few pictures of my Christmas tree this year. I decorated this one pretty simple this year. I'm not even through with it yet. I add a couple of things each night as I unpack them. I decided to use silk roses, silk hydrangeas and silk poinsettas. I thought that roses would be nice since I am a southern rose.
The kids and I still have to decorate the white tree in the den. We are gonna use lots of pinks and greens. I am just having to work so much now (retail at Christmas). I don't get to enjoy the holidays as much as I would like too.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 7:58 AM 1 comments
Good Morning! I'm just sitting here drinking my morning coffee and trying to get my self going. The fibro is really trying to get me down today. I'm not gonna let it! We are having a get- together over at my Dad's house today for my grandma that stays in the nursing home. I will get to see my Aunts and Uncles and cousins that I haven't seen in a while. It will be so good to see them again. This will be the first time that they get to see my grandbaby. Little Jason is gonna get so many hugs and kisses today!
Free Comments and Graphics
Posted by A Southern Rose at 7:49 AM 0 comments
This morning when I woke Garrett for school this is what we saw. Everything covered in pretty white snow. We hardly ever get snow here in Mississippi.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 8:52 PM 3 comments
I wanted to show y'all this pretty house that I found in Hazelhurst, Ms. that is for sale. I have even been inside of it before and it is so...me. The front part of the house is cottage victorian and the back part (this was added on) is like a rustic cabin. Can you just imagine decorating this home?
Posted by A Southern Rose at 2:22 PM 2 comments
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