This is me at work a few days ago. I was standing by my favorite china. This is my china pattern and I just love it. One of my brides that is having her bridal shower next week, came into the store and changed her pattern to this one. This is the one she really wanted at first but was afraid that it was too fru-fru for her future husband. She brought him in and showed it to him and he told her that it didn't matter to him as long as SHE was happy! Wasn't that sweet? I've already sold 6 placesettings for her and some extra pieces too.
She is gonna be so glad that she changed her pattern to the one she really loves.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Old Country Roses
Posted by A Southern Rose at 1:27 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Hooked on houses...

Posted by A Southern Rose at 6:34 PM 6 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Field trips are fun!
This past Wednesday, I went with my little boy's 2nd grade class on a field trip to the pumpkin patch in Crystal Springs, Ms. We had a good time. They have been learning about all kinds of fruits and vegetables. There was a big garden with many different kinds of veggies and the children were able to look and touch them.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 4:32 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Spending the day with Cole
These photos are from 'family day' with Cole. I wanted to add these to the previous post but ran out of room. We had such a good visit and it was a beautiful day outside. Cole wanted me to go down by the lake with him so that we could have some alone time. He wrote a new song and he played it for me. He loves to write his own music. He is very good.
It wasn't very long until several people came over to listen to him. After that the 'alone time' was over. We enjoyed seeing him sing and play for everyone. Time just flew by and then it was time to leave.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 7:06 PM 2 comments
Family Day with Cole
These pictures were taken at Camp Shelby for family day on October 18th. It was so good getting to spend time with him. This is Cole and his sister and her baby. I finally got to put a picture of baby Jason on here. Isn't he adorable? He loves his Uncle Cole, too. Christy and Cole together. My babies...growing up.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 6:19 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Me and Christy
This is me and my daughter. We were at a wedding a few years ago. Christy was a bridesmaid. All of the bridesmaids wore these pretty silver dresses. They were all home-made. I'm so glad that she and I are so close. We kind-of grew up together. I was almost 17 years old when she was born . I will always be here for her. I'm so happy that she has a loving husband and a beautiful little baby boy. Everytime that I'm around baby Jason, I see Christy in him and it brings back so many memories of when she was a baby.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Christina-my first baby
Posted by A Southern Rose at 5:47 PM 2 comments
So many little time.
Look what I just got! I know that its not that pretty...yet. However I have plans!! I just bought this old trailer and they delivered it this morning. They put it right next door to my little cottage. I have a couple of ideas playing around in my head about what to do with it.
First, I have to clean it really good and then I will have to pull out the paint and get busy! The outside is cedar siding. I'm glad that its not metal! It will be easier for me to paint. I'm so excited! These pictures were taken before they moved it.
I will keep everyone updated! This is gonna be fun! A bunch of hard work too! Just one more thing added to my many projects!
Posted by A Southern Rose at 9:42 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
November 2001
This is a picture taken in the fall of 2001 of my kids. Chase (top),Christy,Erin(holding Garrett),Garrett,and Cole. Chase and Erin are my step children. At one time, there were 3 teenagers in the house all at one time! They are all out and grown now. Chase is married and has 2 little boys and Christy is married with one little boy. Maybe Erin will get married and have babies one day. Cole and Garrett are the only ones left at home. I know that I haven't said anything about my step children before and I feel really bad about that. The truth is their daddy and I have been seperated for 3 years now. I don't want them to think that I have forgotten about them. I love them and they will always be my kids. They all are still really close and I am thankful for that.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 9:03 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Roses for me
These are some of my roses. I don't know how long they are suppose to keep blooming. Now that it is fall, I don't know when I'm suppose to prune them. They have really been pretty. I plan on planting more for next year. I want to add some yellow and white ones. I would love to have a 'peace' rose. I remember my mom having one and the blooms were huge. She has always had a green thumb. I'm just now starting to get into having a flower garden. I love it. It helps me to relax and unwind. I love all kinds of flowers. Roses are my all time favorite.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 7:32 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Family Day
Yesterday, I was able to visit my son at Camp Shelby and we had a nice time together. His sister and her husband and my grandbaby got to come. We really enjoyed our time with Cole. I had to put an old picture on this post from when he was first signed up there because I haven't downloaded the new ones from yesterday yet. This is both of my boys, Cole and Garrett. They are very close and that makes me feel very warm inside to know that. There is 10 years age difference between them. Cole says that he will always be there for his little brother! I will post more about the day after I get the new pictures on here.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 7:27 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Happy Fall Ya'll
Have I told ya'll that I love Fall? It's my favorite season! I took a few pictures today of some of my fall decorations. My front door was bright pink...I had to repaint it because it didn't go with the fall colors. I like this green. It's called "olive grove". To me it is such a cheerful color. I don't leave my little pretty victorian lady outside...I just took her out for the pictures. I thought she looked pretty in her fall colors.
These are my pretty fall dishes. They are so pretty. Today was such a pretty day. I wanted to stay at home and not go to work because it was such a pretty day and I was having fun playing with my dishes. I love all kinds of dishes. They are one of my weaknesses. I like to change dishes with the seasons or sometimes just with whatever meal I'm serving. I haven't had time to finish painting my fence yet. Maybe next week.
Today was very busy at work! I have so many brides registered. There will be a lot of Christmas weddings this year. I sold so much china today for bridal showers. I love china! I get excited when I'm helping a bride pick out her china pattern...I think because I love dishes so much.
I'm gonna go leave a post on my Christmas blog now...come visit me there and Happy Fall Ya'll.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 7:58 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
All about music
When Cole was a little boy, my mom and I took him to the annual Christmas stage band show at our local college. We go every year. They really put on a good program with the college kids singing and dancing and the stage band playing Christmas music. If you're not in the Christmas mood before you go, you WILL be when you leave! Anyway, at the end of the show, the band director asks all of the little children to come up on stage . Then Santa comes out and gives each child a wrapped present. Before Santa comes out the band director passes the microphone around for each child to say what they want for Christmas. Well...when it got to Cole, he got the microphone and didn't want to give it back! He loved all of the attention from the audience. He started to sing! I couldn't believe it! He was only 3 years old. They let him sing a couple of songs and then it was time for Santa to come. Cole didn't want to give the mike back and he didn't want to stop singing! The whole audience was laughing! Not at Cole, just the fact that he didn't want to get off the stage! I asked my mom to go get him down, but she said "He's your baby, you go get him"! She couldn't stop laughing! Needless to say, I had to go up there with him and take the microphone away, and let Santa come do his job!
Speaking of Christmas, I just started a new Christmas blog. I got the idea from Becky at 'of bluebirds and roses' She started a Christmas blog and it is so pretty. I asked her if she minded if I started one too. She said that she was glad to have inspired me! Please come visit it. It's called 'Christmas with a southern rose'. I plan on posting on it daily along with this one.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 7:22 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
All about sports...
Posted by A Southern Rose at 6:08 PM 1 comments