This is me and my youngest son Garrett taken last year on one of his field trips at school. He is such a precious little boy. He is a blessing to me everyday.
Garrett is so thoughtful and 'looks after me' everyday. He always asks me how I'm feeling and also how my day at work went. He is very mature for his age. He will turn 10 years old in May.

I am so proud of him. He loves school and has made straight A's all year. This picture was in our local newspaper of him and his friends after getting some awards.

We recently went to visit my youngest grandson in north Mississippi. My son Cole's baby. This is Gabriel. He is 13 months old. He has grow so much and so fast.
Garrett playing with Gabriel. He loves being "Uncle Garrett".
Garrett and Gabriel. He is so protective of his nephews.
Gabriel bit a hunk out of Garrett's new Nerf ball. Garrett wasn't even upset about it. I thought that was so sweet of him.
Garrett with his little nephew, Jason. My daughter Christy's son. I am so proud of him for playing with his little nephews and watching out for them.
I just wanted to post about how proud I am of him and let y'all know that I am giving his room a make-over this week. He deserves it and it really needs it. I spent most of the morning just 'cleaning' it. That was a job! He is getting new 'old' furniture that use to be in his older brother's room. Just gonna give each piece a new paint job to make it look new. Garrett even picked out the colors. Can't wait to show y'all.